有了Scale-out Backup Repository(扩展式备份存储库)创建的抽象层,备份管理员可以摇身一变,成为提供自助服务解决方案的“存储云提供商”,利用该解决方案,用户可以自由设置自己的备份作业,而无需考虑哪个存储是目标存储,也无需在计划备份作业大小和保留期限时为了确保给定的存储库能够容纳其备份作业而执行复杂的计...
3)备份存储库(Backup Repository)—保存数据的仓库,它用来存储备份,可以是各种存储设备,例如本地磁盘、文件共享、重删设备、云存储等。在VBR的工作过程中,会涉及大量的数据传输,其依赖于Veeam数据搬运工(Data Mover)服务来实现, VBR在处理VMware vSphere的虚拟机时,采用无代理的镜像级方法备份数据,这个方法在虚拟化系...
Direct Linux Backup to Object Storage Back up directly to cloud storage, on-premises object storage or select an object-storage-based Veeam repository. Secure Linux Recovery Generate shareable, time-limited access keys or recovery tokens that enable users to connect to a Veeam repository when perfor...
Sizing(CPU 和RAM 的大小): 确保遵守Veeam Backup & Replication 每个存储库任务的一个Core的CPU和4GB RAM的建议。就像代理服务器一样,您的存储库服务器也有要求,您至少需要两个Core的CPU和8 GB RAM。 在计算大小需求时,您需要考虑您的代理服务器和配置的CPU数量;然后,您需要对Repository Server上的核心计数使用3...
On This Page Specifying Backup Server Settings Selecting Backup Repository Mapping Backup Job If you have selected to store backup files in a Veeam backup repository, specify settings to connect to the backup repository: At the Backup Server step of the wizard, specify backup server settings. At ...
Low RPOs and streamlined disaster recoveryWith features like 2-in-1: backup and replication, Built-in WAN acceleration, Backup from Storage Snapshots for EMC, HPE and NetApp, Veeam Cloud Connect, Scale-out Backup Repository, EMC Data Domain Boost and HPE StoreOnce Catalyst integration, native tap...
Automate comprehensive backup across cloud, virtual, physical and NAS environments. Freedom of Choice 100% software-defined and hardware–agnostic solutions for ultimate flexibility. Scale Out With Ease Reduce costs by combining any storage together to create a scalable backup repository. ...
Know your hardware options The backup repository setup process enables users to limit the maximum concurrent tasks anddata transfer rates. These limitations are not necessary if the repository is running on appropriately sized hardware, but users may need to throttle undersized repositories to prev...
This section describes predefined alarms for Veeam Backup & Replication infrastructure components. Enterprise Manager Alarm Name...
Veeam平台添加存储库:在Veeam平台中添加已配置的Backup Repository,选择Linux系统类型,配置存储库命名,添加服务器信息,并开启XFS快克隆与7天内防删除功能。备份与还原操作:虚拟机备份与还原:在vSphere7环境下,接入vCenter,创建备份计划并配置定时执行策略。利用Veeam的快速恢复功能,直接挂载备份库以快速...