Veeam Backup & Replication raises the bar for Linux server backups with Veeam Agentfor Linuxand is designed to be safe, reliable and feature-rich so your solution can take on the titans of Linux file copy that have been there for years. Veeam Backup & Replication uses the power of a GUI...
Backup for AWS, Azure, Microsoft 365, and Google AWS-Native Backup Protect up to 10 Amazon EC2 instances for FREE with cost-effective and secure Veeam Backup for AWS DEPLOY INSTANTLY Azure-Native Backup Azure backup and recovery for up to 10 Azure VMs to easily overcome any cloud data lo...
Veeam Backup Free Edition gives you great tools for quickly recovering your data. Since Veeam backs up the entire VM you have a complete and functioning machine backed up and ready to deploy onto replacement hardware. Or if you just need to recover certain files you can dig into the VM and...
Backup for AWS, Azure, Microsoft 365, and Google AWS-Native Backup Protect up to 10 Amazon EC2 instances for FREE with cost-effective and secure Veeam Backup for AWS DEPLOY INSTANTLY Azure-Native Backup Azure backup and recovery for up to 10 Azure VMs to easily overcome any cloud data lo...
How can I protect my Windows endpoints with Veeam Backup & Replication? You can protect your Windows endpoints with Veeam Backup & Replication by installing and configuring the Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows on your laptops and desktops. You can then backup your endpoints to the cloud, cache ...
Veeam对于备份虚拟机而言,挺不错的,而且还有免费版,目前最新的是Veeam Backup Free Edition 9.5。 免费版只能使用VeeamZip进行完整备份,不能设置备份计划(Backup Job)。 收费版可以设置备份计划,会自动进行增量备份,也可以在计划内设置完整备份的时间。 因此,免费版每天的备份量是很大的,有条件的可以考虑使用收费版。
Compact:Compression, deduplication and swap file exclusion make backups small. Portable:Captures all the virtual disks and configuration files needed to restore the VM on any host. Use VeeamZIP whenever you need to: Backup a VM:(for example, before making changes to it). An ad-hoc backup wi... 下载需要注册登录,也可以不注册而直接用谷歌账号登录 C盘留够至少30GB空间 C盘留够至少30GB空间 C盘留够至少30GB空间
它们负责和备份服务器交互、调度和运行备份作业、处理备份数据并将其传递到备份存储库中。当然,这些备份代理软件也能够脱离VBR单独进行工作。备份代理(Veeam Backup Agent)软件的方式实现数据的备份。 应用程序数据处理 和传统备份方式不一样的是,VBR不单独处理应用程序,在VBR中不需要单独的备份应用程序代理(Agent),但是...
Veeam Agent backups and backup copy Backup Repositories 3.1 File to tape 1、先决条件:需要备份的对象已经纳入Veeam管理,例如file share已创建,服务器已经添加到Managed Servers: 2、创建File to tape 类型Job: 3、按照向导往下走,选择需要备份的文件路径: ...