Welcome! to Astro-Kundali : Vedic & KP Astrology Software Now introducing NEW feature packed Astro-Kundali PRO (Professional Version): An advanced Hindu Vedic and an advanced Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrology Software along with Tajak and Jaimini support. Astro-Kundali PRO (Lite Version): A Hindu ...
Partial Solar Eclipse 29 March 2025 Vedic Astrology Predictions Partial Solar Eclipse 29 March 2025 occurs with Venus (retrograde), Saturn, Mercury (retrograde), Moon, Sun conjunct Rahu in Pisces (Meena Rasi). Rahu conjunct Saturn in Poorvabhadra with Venus (retrograde), Sun, Moon, and Mercury...
Learn about Vedic astrology, its branches and issues through detailed articles written by the astrologer team of Astrobix.com. These articles provide detailed and unique insights into Vedic astrology helping you understand how it works.
Download various Free Vedic and KP Astrology original software online. Description of Astrology software and links are given here.
condensed pages of relevant information for starters of this art. Rest assured, these are powerful summarized versions of knowledge from various texts of astrology.These include, but not limited to, Parasara Hora Shastra, Jamini Sutras, KP system, Jatak Parijata, Deva Keralam, Phaladeepika, Lal...
As a disclaimer, the above point is subjective in the context of each individual and no sweeping generalizations can be made. I make no claims to the validity of my own analysis except that it is based on my understanding of what is important in today’s world to the average astrology rea...
In continuation to the series for the generic malefics, which for obvious reasons, invoke more fear and hence questions directed to me by people, this article talks about Mars. Mars teaches via sudden and usually irreversible lessons as opposed to Saturn
NOTE - All material here is completely in my words, Please feel free to reproduce with permission and not otherwise. (click on pictures to see them bigger) Thanks! 7) Aspects This is vital. Every planet aspects the house exactly opposite to it or in othe
XXII)Naabhasa Yogas– These Yogas are very broad/ generic in nature. I do not pay much heed to them. These are formed when the 7 planets (except Rahu/ Ketu) are placed in x number of signs. x can range from 1 to 7. Depending on ‘x’ a specific yoga is formed which can be ...