Name Calculator Find out if your name favors you based on your date of birth Numerology Experience the magic of numbers to improve your life Favorable Gemstone Know the lucky gemstone for your Moon sign for success Dosha Prediction & Remedies Find out if you have any Dosha in your birth ch...
This chart calculator uses Lahiri Ayanamsa.Please Enter Your Date, Time and Place of Birth Name : Date of Birth(mm/dd/yyyy) : Time of Birth (hh:mm:ss) : Country : City / Town : Chart Style : North Indian South Indian Note: if the place you were born is too small for ...
A birth chart is thus an astrological chart or diagram representing in it, the positions of the planets considered in Vedic Astrology – Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. Popularly known as the horoscope, it serves as a map of the heavenly bodies over a ...
Vedic astrology birth chart calculator is free & easy to generate. Natal Chart or birth chart can be represented in the various styles. For Indian astrologers, this is very useful to calculate the predictions. In Indian astrology, predictions are based on the Moon and Ascendant (or Lagna). La...
this he spent two solid years testing every Vedic Astrology technique he knew (which are about five times more techniques than most of the best professional astrologers use in their day to day practice) and all of them tested out better with the calculations that this chart calculator uses. Fo...
chang. Additionally, the time of Sunrise and Sunset and the current Yoga can also be known through this facility. Our Panchang page also provides the usage of Daily Panchang, Monthly Panchang, Panchang 2019, Panchang 2020, Gauri Panchangam, Bhadra, Today's Karan and Moon rise calculator....
Of course, the sun is important, but so are the other planets, especially the moon – when assessing an astrology chart – whetherVedic or Western astrology. The biggest difference between the two systems, technically, has to do with how the zodiac is looked at itself. Western astrology uses...
Moon : Lord Shiva Mars : Lord Hanuman Jupiter : Lord Brahma Venus : Goddess Laxmi Saturn : Baba Bhairon Mercury : Goddess Durga Rahu : Goddess Saraswati Ketu : Lord Ganesha ग्रह - प्रभाव और उपाय ...
My moon Sign is Gemini and Ascendent is Cancer. In the house of Cancer Jupiter is residing. SATURN IS IN LEO WITH RAHU Recently I came to know about Navamsha chart.In that, again my SHANI is in LEO. Does that means SHANi is Vargottama for me ? What can be the effect of SHani Var...
Dear Sir, In my birth chart Aquarius lagna, in sixth house moon, in eightth house mercury and saturn… is it a Vipareetha raja yoga or not sir… Regards, Lakshman Raju Comment by sanjiv onNovember 10, 2015 at 2:37 pm DOB 30/04/196212 32 noon karnal Haryana india; cancer lagna, yo...