Well, the 11th House is seen as an auspicious house in Vedic astrology. It is also called the Labha house (or the house of gains). The 11th house influences our interest in social activities and various other matters. This house can be used to observe your acquaintances and well-wishers....
Get your horoscope report from the House of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla (World-Famous & Best Vedic Astrologer in India). Reliable Astrology services in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia.
Moon (Chandra): Mars (Mangal): Mercury (Budha): Jupiter (Guru): Venus (Shukra): Saturn (Shani): Rahu: Ketu: Houses in the chart also mature at certain ages: What makes Vedic astrology different and better than other fortune-telling methods, like Western astrology, is how pr...
The 11th House in Vedic Astrology is seen as an auspicious house in Vedic Astrology. It is also called the Labha house. Read More Here With GaneshaSpeaks
Medical Astrology - Moon Part of body: heart, lungs, left eye, left eye, breast, brain, blood, body fluids, intestinal, renal and lymphatic duct, heart, lungs, mind, blood, alimentary canal, intestines, kidneys Diseases : diseases of heart, lungs, left eye in males, right eye in ...
Are you looking for learning astrology? Astro-Vision's Vedic astrology blog provides you the professional astrology contents for astrology students.
Astrology Predictions for Transit of Moon conjunct, sextile, square, trine, opposition effects with Rahu and Ketu on family, finance, relations, business
North Indian Astrology Chart The 7th house of the astrology chart deals with your spouse. It will be ruled by a sign. Every sign is ruled by each planet. The planets ruled by each sign are given below: Aries: Mars Taurus: Venus Gemini: Mercury Cancer: Moon Leo: Sun Virgo: Mercury Libr...
Astrological Remedies 1 - Moon, Mars and Mercury Jyotish UpcharVedic astrology says that there is a direct impact of planets on our lives. If planets in a kundli are found to be weak or are in debilitated then they have a malefic impact on one’s life. So, to restrict the bad resul...
In order to keep the site as efficient as possible we use a number of approximations which mean that the position of fast wobbly objects like the moon are likely to be a few hours out from time to time. Errors of this kind could make any astrology, especially if based on the position ...