Free Chart of Now gives you the exact planetary positions in each zodiac sign. It also gives detailed information on the Nakshatras (birth stars) in each sign. Get a glimpse of the galaxy and the planetary positions at the moment with this simple and easy to understand Chart of Now. ...
AI astrologer that uses Vedic Astrology for personalized kundli/birth/natal chart reading, starting for free. Stop searching for "astrologers near me"
Find out if you have any Dosha in your birth chart and remedy them Horoscope Matching Planning for a marriage? Match horoscopes to know how compatible the couple is Talk To Astrologers (Astro Speaks, Schedule, Prasna) Consult our top astrologers instantly or schedule an appointment for all your...
However, zodiac signs, ascendants or other elements of today’s “Vedic astrology” are never mentioned.[13] Also revealing are the details of the astrological “birth chart” of Kṛṣṇa that are found in the Harivaṃśa and in some Purāṇa texts. Tradition interprets the ...
This chart calculator uses Lahiri Ayanamsa. Please Enter Your Date, Time and Place of Birth Name :* Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) :JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202720262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220...
Vedic astrology birth chart calculator is free & easy to generate. Natal Chart or birth chart can be represented in the various styles. For Indian astrologers, this is very useful to calculate the predictions. In Indian astrology, predictions are based on the Moon and Ascendant (or Lagna). La...
About Vedic Astrology Lessons The astrology lessons are divided into 12 parts like the basics of astrology, astrology glyphs, birth charts, houses, planets, zodiac signs, ascendants, transits, relationships, facts, chart reading, and divisions. Please note that these lessons are meant only for tho...
Dhaiyya and Sade Sati According to Vedic Astrology, all planets rotate from one sign to another during transit. Saturn also obeys this rule. Get Lucky Muhurtha Mundan Sanskara Engagement Ceremony Marriage Ceremony Entering Your New Home More ...
Dasha prediction in Vedic astrology and interpretation makes predictions by analyzing the position of planets in the birth chart of an individual. Dasa refers to a specific planetary period that lasts for a certain number of years. Dasa of certain planets is considered better than others. During ...
Vedic Astrology Course Uncover Your Cosmic Blueprint. Chart Your Path to Success and Purpose. Become a sought-after astrologer, guiding yourself and others with the wisdom of the stars. Learn More Vedic Vastu Course Align Your Surroundings with Your Soul. Design Spaces That Fuel Prosperity and We...