向量圖格來源說明如何存取向量圖格圖層。向量磚來源可以搭配使用;SymbolLayer、LineLayer、PolygonLayer、BubbleLayer、HeatmapLayer 和 VectorTileLayer。Extends Source 建構函式展開資料表 VectorTileSource(string, VectorTileSourceOptions) 方法展開資料表 getOptions() 取得VectorTileSource 的選項。 getShape(string, ...
A vector tile source can be provided by online vector tile service, a vector tile style sheet, or a local vector tile cache. VectorTileSourceInfo provides basic information about the vector tile source such as the name, URI, extent and visible scale. You can obtain the VectorTileSourceInfo...
This type describes a vector tile source, which may be displayed using an ArcGISVectorTiledLayer. The vector tile source can be an online service, a vector tile style sheet, or a local vector tile cache. The information about the source includes name, extent, visible scale, and so on...
// Add a new vector tile source with ID 'mapillary'. map.addSource('mapillary',{ 'type':'vector', 'tiles':[ 'https://tiles.mapillary.com/maps/vtp/mly1_public/2/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=MLY|4142433049200173|72206abe5035850d6743b23a49c41333' ...
openlayers 开发, ol-ext, LayerSwitcherImage 的layerGroup使用
Documentation for Tilezen Vector Tile service Get a Nextzen developer API key Build from source Vector tiles are square-shaped collections of geographic data that contain the map feature geometry, such as lines and points. Information about how map features are drawn is maintained in a separate st...
Closed Tiles are not loaded if source tilegrid is in the different projection then ol.View. var key = 'Your Mapzen API key from https://mapzen.com/developers'; var layers = [ new ol.layer.Tile({ source: new ol.source.OSM(), }), new ol.layer.VectorTile({ source: new ol.source....
Documentation / MapboxMaps / Sources / VectorSource / tileRequestsDelay Language: SwiftInstance Property tileRequestsDelay For the tiled sources, this property sets the tile requests delay. The given delay comes in action only during an ongoing animation or gestures. It helps to avoid loading, ...
The output vector tile package. The file extension of the package is.vtpk. File Package for ArcGIS Online | Bing Maps | Google Maps Specifies whether the tiling scheme will be generated from an existing map service or if map tiles will be generated forArcGIS Online,Bing Maps, and...