论文:https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.08920 代码:https://github.com/Mrmoore98/VectorMapNet_code 摘要 自动驾驶系统需要对周围环境具有很好的理解,包括动态物体和静态高精度语义地图。现有方法通过离线手动标注来解决语义构图问题,这些方法存在严重的可扩展性问题。最近的基于学习的方法产生稠密的分割预测结果,这些预测不...
VCAD项目网址:vcad-ai.github.io/ 参考文献 [1] Li, Qi, et al. "Hdmapnet: An online hd map construction and evaluation framework." 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). IEEE, 2022.[2] Gao, Jiyang, et al. "Vectornet: Encoding hd maps and agent dynamics from ...
The project has some potential since it is probably the only open-source vector tile rendering system for Windows. Therefore, it actively needs some good contribution support. Bug reports, suggestions and pull requests are all welcome. Please submit them to the GitHub issue tracker....
🎨 Cross-platform image editor with raster and vector layers similar to Paint.Net written in Lazarus (Free Pascal) - bgrabitmap/lazpaint
代码:github.com/yuantianyuan 引入了端到端矢量化高清地图学习管道,称为 VectorMapNet。VectorMapNet 获取机载传感器观测结果并预测鸟瞰图中的一组稀疏折线。该管道可以显式地对地图元素之间的空间关系进行建模,并生成对下游自动驾驶任务友好的矢量化地图。 MapTR 题目:MapTR: Structured Modeling and Learning for On...