vel = vel.normalized() print(vel) 也可以实际控制一下Sprite来感受一下加normalized和不加的区别。 小结 Vector2().normalized(),简单的说就是将向量的长度变为1,让距离保持一致,以免在对角线上移动时比水平或垂直移动快。 链接 为什么要使用Vector2().normalized() - Godot 2D教程...
可以编写代码输出值或实际控制Sprite来直观感受加normalized和不加的区别。总之,Vector2().normalized()简单来说就是将向量长度调整至1,确保距离保持一致,避免对角线移动比水平或垂直移动快的情况发生。参考资料:为什么要使用Vector2().normalized() - Godot 2D教程 ...
boolVector2::is_normalized()const{ //use length_squared() instead of length() to avoid sqrt(), makes it more stringent. returnMath::is_equal_approx(length_squared(),1, (real_t)UNIT_EPSILON); } real_tVector2::distance_to(constVector2 &p_vector2)const{ ...
and there is no solution that would please everyone without being bloat. Simply having a GDScript class that has constants such asNWwould allow you to do things likeDirection.NWetc. Depending on your game and your use cases, you could make this normalized or not, for 2D or 3D or both, ...
# normalise both vectors: var va_n = va.normalized() var vb_n = vb.normalized() # take the cross product and dot product var cross = va_n.cross(vb_n).normalized() var dot = # acos(dot) gives you the angle (in radians) between the two vectors which you'll...