型号 VN1610 Vector VN1610(2路CAN采集模块) S 302/F/ PCH 1026是全数字振动监测器。它具有3个内部传感器(加速度计),可以在3个方向(X,Y和Z)上进行测量,每个方向都有独立的调节通道。 在调节通道中使用的过滤器技术基于大量风力涡轮机应用的经验。如果不同频率的信号在同一方向上,则如有必要,也可以将2个...
Vector VN1610通讯模块,作为通信领域的璀璨明珠,以其卓越的性能、高度的稳定性和广泛的应用场景,成为了众多工业控制与自动化系统中的关键组件。这款通讯模块,犹如一座信息桥梁,精准无误地连接着各个设备与系统,确保数据流通的畅通无阻。VN1610采用了先进的通信技术,支持多种通信协议,包括但不限于RS-485、CAN...
While the VN1610/VN1611 offers 2 channels, and its focus is on lower size and weight, the VN1630A/VN1640A with 4 channels emphasizes flexibility as well as I/O support. The VN5620 and VN5650 network interfaces also support monitoring and remaining bus simulation. Test Hardware VT System...
- The current Driver Setup for Vector Network Interfaces supports ISO CAN FD on Network Interfaces supporting CAN FD. The following setups are contained: - CANcardXL: 8.7.16- CANcardXLe: 7.9.32 / 7.9.30 (64 Bit)- CANcaseXL: 8.7.16- CANboardXL: 8.7.16- VN0601: 9.2....
While the VN1610/VN1611 offers 2 channels, and its focus is on lower size and weight, the VN1630A/VN1640A with 4 channels emphasizes flexibility as well as I/O support. The VN5620 and VN5650 network interfaces also support monitoring and remaining bus simulation. Test Hardware VT System...
德国vectorVN1610 商品别名 vector,德国 vector,vector VN1610,vector vn1610数据线 面向地区 天津 型号 三星V8 适用机型 通用 德国vector 让汽车工程变得简单:Vector产品应用领域 作为您的可靠伙伴,Vector为您在不同应用领域提供可靠而的解决方案。 Vector为您提供的ECU测试工具包括完整的仿真和测试环境,覆盖从SiL仿真...
While the VN1610/VN1611 offers 2 channels, and its focus is on lower size and weight, the VN1630A/VN1640A with 4 channels emphasizes flexibility as well as I/O support. The VN5620 and VN5650 network interfaces also support monitoring and remaining bus simulation. Test Hardware VT System...
德国VECTOR VN1610(2路CAN采集模块)通讯模块。 Stoerk/Stork ST64-31.10 PTC 12-24V K1 900197.018 温控器Stoerk/Stork ST710-JB1BV.10 Nr. 900212.013 温控器Stoerk/Stork ST710-JB1BA.10 900212.002 温控表KACO QHLP 40x50 NBR 74132399 密封件KACO 73847399 QHLP 25 x 35NBR O型密封圈KACO QHSA 110*130...
型号 VN1630A /VN1610 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格不同而发生变化,如用户与商家线下达成协议,以线下协议的结算价格为准,如用户在爱采购上完成线上购买,则最终以订单结算页价格为准。 抢购价:商品参与营销活动的活动...