A 4D vector consisting of 16-bit signed integer components. For a list of additional functionality such as constructors and operators that are available using XMSHORT4 when you are programming in C++, see XMSHORT4 Extensions. Note See DirectXMath Library Type Equivalences for information ab...
16 bit signed SmallInt VSI_ 16 bit unsigned Word USmall VUS_ 32 bit signed LongInt VLI_ 32 bit unsigned ULong VUL_ 64 bit signed Int64 QuadInt VQI_ 64 bit unsigned (x64 version only!) UInt64 UQuad VUQ_ 16/32 bit signed Integer VI_ 16/32 bit unsigned Cardinal UInt VU_To...
Rgba64 Packed vector type containing four 16-bit unsigned normalized values, ranging from 0 to 1. Short2 Packed vector type containing two 16-bit signed integer values. Short4 Packed vector type containing four 16-bit signed integer values.中文...
Figure 1. Pack 8 integer elements (32-bit) to 8 integer elements (16-bit) Table 1. Vector Pack Saturate dab vector signed charvector signed shortvector signed short vector unsigned charvector unsigned shortvector unsigned short vector signed shortvector signed intvector signed int ...
The vector extension consists of an additional set of 32 128-bit registers that can contain a variety of vectors including signed or unsigned 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit integers, or 32-bit IEEE single-precision floats. There is a vector status and control register that contains a sticky sta...
Since the CPU supports the X86 Avx2 instruction set, Vector<byte>.Count is 32 (256bit). Vectors.InstanceisVectorTraits256Base. It's not VectorTraits256Avx2because the intrinsic function wasn't supported until.NET Core 3.0`. The value of ShiftLeft_AcceleratedTypes contains types such as "Int16...
The k bit message may be regarded as a [1 × k] matrix M, or rather, a k bit row vector that, upon multiplying with a generator matrix G of dimension [k × n], produces an array of n code bits, i.e., a matrix C of dimension [1 × n]. Thus, (4.6)C=M·G Because the...
Provides a collection of static methods for creating, manipulating, and otherwise operating on 128-bit vectors.
MIPP wrapper supports simple/double precision floating-point numbers and also signed/unsigned integer arithmetic (64-bit, 32-bit, 16-bit and 8-bit). With the MIPP wrapper you do not need to write a specific intrinsic code anymore. Just use provided functions and the wrapper will automatically...
A 2D vector for storing signed, normalized values as signed 16-bit integers (type int16_t). For a list of more functionality such as constructors and operators that are available using XMSHORTN2 when you are programming in C++, see XMSHORTN2 Extensions. Note See DirectXMath Library Type...