This set of C++ Programming Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Vector”. One shall practice these interview questions to improve their C++ programming skills needed for various interviews (campus interviews, walkin interviews, company interviews), placements, entrance exams and oth...
Or, if you have to create a test question in a format like multiple choice, you can avoid writing questions that are based on recall of knowledge and information (example question: “what is this called?”) and instead write a question that presents a scenario or decision point and ask th...
174 questions NewestActiveBountiedUnansweredMore Filter 0votes 1answer 124views Using QVector in Q_PROPERTY and accesing each data I would like to update weekKm and weekTime to update automatically when I change any value in m_weekKmAndTime, but I am struggling with that. I would like to ...
the end of each section, and results are sent electronically to the OSCE's recruiters. We created a test question generator that presents the test questions and multiple-choice answers in random order. Results of the tests are displayed to the students so they can see which questions they ...
Construct unit vector m⃗ m→ at an angle θθ with a given unit vector n⃗ n→ 0 Problem with light reflecting from a surface 1 Determination of tangential and binormal vectors Hot Network Questions Understanding DC solenoid inrush current (oscilloscope readings) Who do I...
In this study, the Certanty of Response Index (CRI) technique was used to identify students' understanding. Identification is done by using a multiple choice diagnostic test of 25 questions that are equipped with an index of student confidence in the test answers. To confirm the students' ...
Required, but never shown Post Your Answer By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge you have read our privacy policy. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged kinematics vectors velocity or ask your own question. Featured...
Join the Milvus community onDiscordto share your suggestions, advice, and questions with our engineering team. To learn latest news about Milvus, follow us on social media: X LinkedIn Youtube Medium You can also check out ourFAQ pageto discover solutions or answers to your issues or questions...
** Prompt tuning is about tweaking the questions or instructions given to the AI to get better answers. Prompt engineering involves creating and refining these questions or instructions in different ways to achieve specific goals. Fine-tuning is more involved, requiring retraining the AI on new ...
Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as one view. Cite Export citation file: BibTeX | EndNote | RIS MDPI and ACS Style Aziz, A.G.M.A.; Abdelaziz, A.Y.; Ali, Z.M.; Diab, A.A.Z. A Comprehensive Examination of Vector-Controlled Induction Motor Drive Techniques....