1.(Mathematics)mathsAlso called:polar vectora variable quantity, such as force, that has magnitude and direction and can be resolved into components that are odd functions of the coordinates. It is represented in print by a bold italic symbol:For̄F. Comparepseudoscalar,pseudovector,scalar1,ten...
Chimeric artifacts were checked using CHECK_CHIMERA program of http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/blast.cgi RDP II analysis software http://rdp.cme.msu.edu/[49, 50] and by another chimera detection program "Bellerophon" available at http://foo.maths.uq.edu.au/~huber/bellerophon.pl[37, ...
Maths anxiety in primary and secondary school students: Gender differences, developmental changes and anxiety specificity. Learn. Individ. Differ. 2016, 48, 45–53. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Ramirez, G.; Shaw, S.T.; Maloney, E.A. Math anxiety: Past research, promising interventions, and ...