Define vector field. vector field synonyms, vector field pronunciation, vector field translation, English dictionary definition of vector field. n a region of space under the influence of some vector quantity, such as magnetic field strength, in which th
Vector field definition: a region, domain, set, etc., with a vector assigned at each point; vector function.. See examples of VECTOR FIELD used in a sentence.
Vector, in physics, a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. It is typically represented by an arrow whose direction is the same as that of the quantity and whose length is proportional to the quantity’s magnitude. Although a vector has magnitu
Thus all the vectors of the vector field \nabla{w} are unit vectors, and they point radially outward from the origin. This makes sense by (4), since the definition of w shows that dw/ds should be greatest in the radially outward direction, and have the value 1 in that direction. ...
Vector, in mathematics, a quantity that has both magnitude and direction but not position. Examples of such quantities are velocity and acceleration. Vectors are essential in physics, mechanics, electrical engineering, and other sciences to describe forc
Define Electric field vector. Electric field vector synonyms, Electric field vector pronunciation, Electric field vector translation, English dictionary definition of Electric field vector. n. A region of space characterized by the existence of a force g
Vector Field Vector Function Position Vector Function Linear Vector Function Vector Definition When you learn about vectors in math, you’re usually learning about a specific type of vector called aEuclidean vector. Most authors just shorten the name to “vector” and assume you know that you’re...
definition of the exterior derivativeThe local nature of the exterior derivativeDeRham Cohomology#Vector FieldsThe main definitionThe vector field commutatorh-related vector fields#The main definition#The vector field commutator#h-related vector fields#Integral Curves and FlowsComplete vector fieldsOne-...
Avector space{eq}V {/eq} over afield{eq}F {/eq} is asetequipped with a binary operation {eq}+: V\times{V}\to{V} {/eq} and function {eq}F\times{V}\to{V} {/eq} called vector addition and scalar multiplication, respectively, satisfying the followingaxioms(self-evident "ground ru...
Working in the formalism of the SL(5) exceptional field theory, we present its supersymmetry transformations and introduce an additional USp(4) transformation to stay in the supergravity frame. This transformation acts on local indices and deforms BPS equations of exceptional field theory. The ...