Vector supplies demos, service packs, driver updates and other downloads for Vector products as well as documents for software, hardware and automotive networking topics.
Win 10 system or higher: Vector Driver Setup for Windows 10 and Windows 11: Vector License Client: Win 7 system: Vector Driver Setup 20.30.5 Vector License Client 6.1 First, verify that the license is already activated on the hard...
To align both local and distributed versions of Vector Hardware Manager, please perform a driver update on both your local and distributed systems. Please download the Vector Driver Setup for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Unzip the downloaded file on your local computer. Run the unzipped setup pro...
Vector´s VH6501 is a flexible yet compact CAN (FD) disturbance hardware and a network interface for CANoe combined in one device. It allows very simple test setups for conformance tests.
5.3VectorDriverSetup25 5.4VectorHardwareConfiguration27 5.5LoopTests29 5.5.1CAN29 5.5.2FlexRay32 5.5.3MOST33 5.5.4Ethe34 ©VectorInformatikGmbHVersion4.2-I- Introduction 1Introduction Inthischapteryoufindthefollowinginformation: 1.1SafetyInstructionsandHazardWarningspage3 ...
In the 2024 release of VectorCAST/C++, a significant enhancement is the introduction ofCoded Tests, designed to complement the existing VectorCAST Test Editor. This feature supports the creation of test cases directly in code, leveraging thexUnit frameworkfor streamlined setup and teardown in C++ un...
Hello all, I have installed Python can on Windows 10. This machine has a vector CAN (VN5620) XL driver and VN5620 drivers installed. This is my can.conf file This is my channel mapping in vector Canoe tool I use CAN1 VN5620 1 Channel 5 i...
In the 2024 release of VectorCAST/C++, a significant enhancement is the introduction ofCoded Tests, designed to complement the existing VectorCAST Test Editor. This feature supports the creation of test cases directly in code, leveraging thexUnit frameworkfor streamlined setup and teardown in C++ un...
DMA_COMMON_BUFFER_VECTOR_ERROR 错误检查的值为 0x000001DC。 它表示驱动程序滥用了 DMA 矢量通用缓冲区 API。
The Vector Hardware Manager is included in our 'Vector Driver Setup for Windows 10 and Windows 11' from version 22.14 on and can be downloaded from here.5. Can I use the legacy Vector Hardware Config tool and the Vector Hardware Manager simultaneously?