VectorTeam Services中的Project Collaboration模块可以保证团队对CANape工程实时协同修改和数据共享,防止出现CANape工程版本混乱或者覆盖的问题。 图1Vector Team Services中的CANape Project Collaboration 通过CANape中的Team Area实现团队项目协作 从CANape 21开始,通过Vector Team Service创建Team Area之后,用户可以在CANap...
CAN总线和CANFD总线采样点测试之理论和实操要点 基于Vector公司CANstress和VH6501 1931 -- 1:31 App Vector CANape小技巧 2796 3 15:57 App 如何通过CANoe, CANalyzer进行问题的复现 1652 -- 1:40 App 基于UDS诊断安全访问算法的三种实现方式 419 -- 0:32 App 搞透Vector CAPL编程 1639 -- 4:00 ...
CANape 21 SP5 Installation or update of the software for Windows 10 and 11. Contains all packages necessary for the installation of the software. During the installation no internet connection is needed. Release Notes CANape 21 SP5 User Operation and Display An error was fixed where empty colu...
- - 创建FlexRay工程 本文档以CANape 21为例说明。请参考CANape的XCPSimFlexRay Demo。 首先创建一个FlexRay的monitor,用于测量FlexRay信号和追踪FlexRay总线通信:
VectorCANoe、CANape系列驱动文件_vector驱动hu**ly 上传163.22 MB 文件格式 zip vector驱动 Vector CANoe、CANape系列驱动文件,适用于各个版本,非常实用。点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:11 积分 电信网络下载 MyEclipse 2017 CI 安卓开发插件安装包ADT-24 ...
2025-02-11The New Features of CANape 23 2025-02-06DDS - Easier Testing of Data-Centric Communication With CANoe 2025-02-05vCDM 23.1 - What's New? 2025-02-04Testing Wireless Devices With the VH4110 and CANoe 2025-01-23VectorCAST/C++ Coded Test - New Opportunities for VectorCAST Unit.....
对于ECU接收的信号,发送对应的值到CAN总线上,通过对应的API可以获取到正确的值; 典型的手工测试场景如下,以Vector的测试工具为例: ECU发送的信号:使用CANape修改测试变量,控制ECU发送不同的值到CAN总线上,在CANalyzer中查看该信号的值,是否正确; ECU接收的信号:使用CANalyzer发送一个signal的特定值到CAN总线上,CANape...
Creating a FlexRay projectThis document uses CANape 21 as an example. Please refer to CANape's XCPSimFlexRay sample configuration.First create a FlexRay monitor to measure the FlexRay signals and trace the FlexRay bus communication:Then you need to add the FlexRay network as shown below....
C:\Users\Vector\VXToolsSetup_v04-06.exe /s /pkg:VectorDriverSetup /pkg:VXpluginCanape21Pack Example 3: Installation of VXtools, Documentation and VXplugin for CANape 20 (without installation of Vector CAN/FlexRay Drivers) C:\Users\Vector\VXToolsSetup_v04-06.exe /s /pkg:Docu /pkg:VX...
Vector CANoe、CANape系列驱动文件 Drivers.rar Pr**er上传638.68MB文件格式rarVector Vector CANoe、CANape系列驱动文件,适用于各个版本,非常实用。 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分