Currently, in order to change the value of VECT_TAB_OFFSET, the user has to modify the system_stm32h7xx.c file. This is inconvenient in cases where the value has to change for different builds. If the code was changed from: #define VECT_TAB_OFFSET 0x00000000U to #ifndef VECT_TAB_...
我用的是STM32cubeide,芯片为STM32G491,修改了ld文件的Flash偏移和中断向量表的宏VECT_TAB_OFFSET,对比修改前后的bin文件,发现有部分地方不同,请问这个是正常的吗? 0 2024-3-19 06:16:36 评论 淘帖 邀请回答 李猛 相关推荐 • stm32cubeide更改ld文件中的Flash偏移和中断向量表的宏VECT_TAB_OFFSET...