mat= vec2mat(vec,matcol)converts vectorvecto matrixmatwithmatcolcolumns. The function creates the matrix one row at a time, filling the rows with elements fromvecin order. If the length ofvecis not a multiple ofmatcol, then the function pads the last row ofmatwith zeros until the row co...
mat= vec2mat(vec,matcol)converts vectorvecto matrixmatwithmatcolcolumns. The function creates the matrix one row at a time, filling the rows with elements fromvecin order. If the length ofvecis not a multiple ofmatcol, then the function pads the last row ofmatwith zeros until the row co...
U can be calculated for an open quantum system using the QuTiP propagator function. """E_ops = []# loop over all index permutationsforindsinindex_permutations([len(op_list)forop_listinop_basis_list]):# loop over all composite systemsE_op_list = [op_basis_list[k][inds[k]]forkinrange...