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a由于1G6机组大修迟迟未完成 Because the 1G6 unit overhaul has not completed slowly[translate] aI’ve been married for seven years to an extraordinary woman,actress Catherine Zeta-Jones.We have two children,a daughter,4,and a son,7.My life is 36 around my family’s schedule.Our daughter just...
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When he heard Jack’s words, he said to him 50 , “Maps of the city, sir?” 小题1: A.flew B.lived C.went D.dropped 小题2: A.for B.off C.with D.into 小题3: A.all B.both C.other D.any 小题4: A.and B.but C.though D.however 小题5: A.bus B.plane ...
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CELVE预计,国内报废车回收价格将在5月呈现上涨的趋势。 各区域报废机动车回收价格 指数分析 东北地区 东北报废车回收市场价格指数变动简述: 4月份,东北区域报废车回收价格指数小幅上调。其中:小型车报废车市场回收价格1324元/吨,环比上涨12元/吨;...
Sitting back in the car on the way to the airport,I figured it all out.Rani's (59) C--her warm smile,her nods,her‘I'm here for you'(60) B---were all silent signals that didn't travel through wires.41.A.accepted B.met C.heard D.noticed 42.A.developed...
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