Thuy Nga (315 documents) example document: Phong tam Add commentNeu biet toi lay chong Type of Work: Sound recording and music Registration Number / Date: SR0000308675 / 2002-03-18 Date of Publication: February 14, 2002 Date of Creation: 2002 Title: Neu biet toi lay chong / P...
THUYET MINH VE NHA THO NGUYEN TRAI Nguyen Trai co nhung dong gop rat lon doi voi lich su van hoa, van hoc , dac biet la dong gop ve tho van.Tho cua ong the hien mot tam long suot doi vi danvi nuoc ,mot nhan cach cao dep ,mot tinh cam tha thiet .’Bao kinh canh gioi ‘...