As a result, it was found that the difference between the proportion of students who wanted to learn about the achievements and the proportion of students who thought that they learned the acquisition in the course was lower in schools with higher overall achievement status. It was found that ...
SINIF RETMEN ADAYLARININ KSEL VE ALE ZELLKLER LE RENM GRDKLER PROGRAM, RETMENLK MESLE VE YAAMA LKN GRLERdoi:10.7827/TurkishStudies.9314The objective of the present study is to determine personal and domestic traits of pre-service classroom teachers and their ...
De generatieve AI-functies in Acrobat en Acrobat Reader ondersteunen Engels, Frans, Duits, Spaans, Italiaans, Portugees of Japans. Bekijk de Richtlijnen voor gebruikers van Generative AI van Adobe voor meer informatie over de geldende voorwaarden. Zie Gebruik en behandeling van content voor ...
Bu çalışmada; ekmeğin besinsel özelliklerini geliştirmek için ekmek üretiminde kullanılan buğday unu, farklı metotlarla (geleneksel ve ultrason uygulamalı) acılığı giderilmiş lüpenden elde edilen un (%10) ve tip4 dirençli nişasta (DN-%10...
a10 yıl, yıl yıl aşağı yakmak için çocuklar izin benzer Burns kamu bilinci ile Tayvan 's. Ren Haitao iş her gün yanık hastalarının tedavi ve konuşma sürecinde olduğumuzu, defalarca vurguladı: "bir kez yanmış, onarılmaz sonuçl...
Other Languages. Frans Op het 81e Internationale Autosalon van Genève 2011 zal MINI niet alleen het meest uitgebreide gamma in zijn geschiedenis, een verder uitgebreid gamma van motoren en nieuwe stijlvolle personalisatiemogelijkheden presenteren, maar ook een nieuw fascinerend a...
Environment education was carried out by using context-based learning approach in the experimental group and teacher-centered educational methods in the control group. To collect data; Environmental Behavior Scale, Environmental Attitude Scale and Environmental Success Test were applied as pretest and post...
Communication abilities of the school administrators according to the views of teachers and students, have been analysed in this study. The aim of the study is to asses the communication abilities of school administrators according to the views of teachers and students. It is aimed to find answers...
In data analysis, One-Way Anova was used for independent samples. Significance level was found to be .05. Findings and Results: It was found that there was a meaningful relationship in a positive way between the students' problematic use of Internet and their loveliness level while there was ...
NVERSTE RENCLERNN PROBLEML NTERNET KULLANIMLARININ AKADEMK Z-YETERLK, AKADEMK ERTELEME VE YEME TUTUMLARI LE LKSThe purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between problematic internet use of university students and their academic self-efficacy, academic procrastination, and eating ...