These results suggest that VdSOD5 of V. dahliae is an important virulence factor, secreted out of cells to combat host-derived ROS.doi:10.1016/S2095-3119(20)63353-6TIAN LiHUANG Cai-minZHANG Dan-danLI RanCHEN Jie-yinSUN Wei-xiaQIU Nian-weiDAI Xiao-feng...
德国风电标准VDS3523翻译⽂件 风⼒发电机防⽕指引 1 初步说明 2 适⽤范围 3 风险性 3.1 财产损失及后续成本 3.1.2 损失举例 3.1.3 起⽕原因 4 保护的⽬标和保护的概念 5 保护措施 5.1 降低起⽕的风险 5.2 ⽕灾探测与灭⽕ 5.3 为减少损失的措施 5.4 质量保证 6 来源 1 初步... rights and content Under a Creative Commons license open accessAbstract Plants produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) to defend pathogens. To counteract this attack, certain pathogens express superoxide dismutases (SODs) to scavenge host-derived ROS...