英诺华(中国)有限公司近日和VDL AEC Maritime达成合作协议,从而加强后者在中国市场的地位。 VDL AEC Maritime作为一家知名的专业船用洗涤塔生产商,通过任命英诺华(中国)有限公司作为VDL AEC Maritime在中国的代理商,保障并加强了公司与船厂、船东和船舶管理公司等客户在当地的交流,以便快速响应客户的需求和询问,提供更好...
PVC-U fitting program metric 03.02.2025 PVC-C fitting program metric 03.02.2025 PE100 03.02.2025 PVC-U fitting program inch 03.02.2025 PE / PVC compression fitting program 03.02.2025 PP clamp saddle program 03.02.2025 Irrigation program
March 24, 2022 Image courtesy VDL AEC Maritime VDL AEC Maritime received an order for the delivery of two retrofit scrubber systems to Seatrade Groningen BV. With this order VDL AEC Maritime extends its portfolio for the first time in their own home country, ánd to a Dutch ship-owner. The...
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9. Test information 9.1 Quality information This product has been qualified in accordance with the Automotive Electronics Council (AEC) standard Q101 - Stress test qualification for discrete semiconductors, and is suitable for use in automotive applications. © MMBZXVCL_MMBZXVDL_SER_1 Product data...
• Rated peak pulse power: PPPM ≤ 40 W • Ultra low leakage current: IRM ≤ 5 nA • ESD protection up to 30 kV (contact discharge) • IEC 61000-4-2; level 4 (ESD) • IEC 61643-321 • Qualified according to AEC-Q101 and recommended for use in automotive applications ...
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「前置引擎古董双层·产自1965年·仍存活」伦敦公交退役 转为私人巴士 AEC Routemaster (经过West Hampstead地铁站) 00:31 伦敦希思罗机场T2航站楼 各种巴士车型随拍:包含Wright StreetLite & MCV车身B8RLE & ADL Enviro 200 & 伊利萨尔i6 02:59 英国普茨茅斯(Portsmouth) 多款巴士车型随拍 :包含Wright GB...
■ AEC-Q101 qualified■ Ultra low leakage current: IRM ≤ 5 nA Applications■ Computers and peripherals■ Automotive electronic control units■ Audio and video equipment■ Portable electronics■ Cellular handsets and accessories类似零件编号 - MMBZ15VDL 制造商 部件名 数据表 功能描述 Diodes Incorporated ...