legendary-gl @ git+https://github.com/derrod/legendary@96e07ff ; platform_system == "Windows" or platform_system == "Darwin" orjson vdf; platform_system == "Linux" or platform_system == "FreeBSD" vdf pywin32; platform_system == "Windows"0...
DataFlex Related Windows OS Related Oracle Related MS SQL Related Internet Related Github and bitbucket pages Unit TestingDataFlex related Websites Data Access Worldwide The official website of Data Access Corporation. They are the developers of DataFlex, Visual DataFlex and WebApp Server. DAW knowle...
python3 -m venv venvsourcevenv/bin/activate pip install wheel setuptools_scm pybind11 pip wheel. The primary build process for this repository is to use GitHub Actions to build binary wheels for MacOS, Linux (x64 and aarch64), and Windows and publish them with a source wheel on PyPi. Se...
可验证延迟函数(Verifiable Delay Function, VDF): VDF 这个概念最初由斯坦福大学密码学教授 Dan Boneh 等人在2018年论文《Verifiable Delay Functions》中给出。该篇文章于 2018 年发表在密码学顶级会议之一的 CRYPTO 上。 目前的VDF算法复杂度较高,离实用仍有差距。 https://github.com/Chia-Ne... 查看原文 ...
The primary build process for this repository is to use GitHub Actions to build binary wheels for MacOS, Linux (x64 and aarch64), and Windows and publish them with a source wheel on PyPi. See .github/workflows/build.yml. CMake uses FetchContent to download pybind11. Building is then mana...
chiavdf may not have the same problem as chiapos - but this change seems like a good preventative measure just in case there is some future code that might cause issues see chiapos PR Chia-Network/...
"display_name" "##BUILD_NAME##" "from_oslist" "windows" "to_oslist" "linux" } } }Footer © 2024 GitHub, Inc. Footer navigation Terms Privacy Security Status Docs Contact Manage cookies Do not share my personal information
Description of new feature I would like the ZXHN H268Q V7.0 V7.0.0P4_VDFODP to be supported Describe alternatives you've considered All known keys root@LUCIANO-PC:/mnt/g/Projects/github/zte-config-utility# python3 examples/decode.py reso...
Improve checkout performance on Windows runners by upgrading@actions/githubdependency by@BrettDonginactions/checkout#1246 New Contributors @BrettDongmade their first contribution inactions/checkout#1246 ... (truncated) Changelog Sourced fromactions/checkout's changelog. ...
The primary build process for this repository is to use GitHub Actions to build binary wheels for MacOS, Linux (x64 and aarch64), and Windows and publish them with a source wheel on PyPi. See.github/workflows/build.yml. CMake usesFetchContentto downloadpybind11. Building is then managed by...