器件型号:TUSB3410 您好! 根据DS、"当 VREGEN 为高电平时、必须从外部提供1.8V 电压。" VDD18的最大和最小外部电源电压是多少? 此致、 Hiroshi... 器件型号:TUSB1210 您好! 您能告诉我 TUSB1210 VDD18建议的最小和最大输入电压吗? 客户需要这些信息才能选择 LDO。 此致、 Yusuke /日本地区...
According to DS, "When VREGEN is high, 1.8 V must be supplied externally." What is the maximum and minimum external supply voltage to VDD18? Best Regards, Hiroshi
Low voltage, Low power, ±1% High detect accuracy with delay circuit CMOS Voltage Detector VDD Series GENERAL DESCRIPTIONS The VDD series are delay circuit built-in voltage detectors with low HALOGEN voltage, low power consumption and high accuracy. The accuracy of the detection voltage is...
output. RESETB/RESET VDD Positive power supply. A reset is asserted after this voltage drops below a predetermined level. After VDD rises above that level the reset output remains asserted until the end of the reset timeout period. 3AME...
1. yes, this is fine. As long as VDDAVCO18 is within the voltage specificaiton. 2. will have to check and get back to you. -Kang Itoh-san, For the VDDAVCO18 current, 1.for 6GHz PLL, it is around 20mA 2.for 9GHz PLL, it is around 40mA ...
Failed to obtain data of the LSW VDD voltage for fabric plane. 当交换模块Fabric平面的LSW芯片VDD电压读取失败时,产生此告警。 产生此告警的传感器为: Mngmnt Health 告警属性 告警ID 告警级别 可自动清除 0x2800FFFF 轻微 是 告警参数 参数名称 参数含义 ...
Vee发射极电源电压,EmitterVoltage,一般用于ECL电路的负电源电压。 Vbb基极电源电压,用于双极晶体管的共基电路。 03. 说明 1、一般来说VCC=模拟电源,VDD=数字电源,VSS=数字地,VEE=负电源。 2、有些IC既有VDD引脚又有VCC引脚,说明这种器件自身带有电压转换功能。 3、对于数字电路来说,VCC是...
VDD:漏极电源电压,Drain Voltage,用于 MOS 晶体管电路,一般指正电源 VSS:源极电源电压,在CMOS电路中指负电源,在单电源时指零伏或接地。CC是C=circuit的缩写,表示电路的意思,即接入电路的电压 DD是D=device的缩写,表示器件的意思,即器件内部的工作电压 SS是S=series的缩写,表示公共连接的...
Voltage Range (PVIN): 1.5 V to 18 V • Input Bias Voltage (VDD) Range: 4.5 V to 22 V • Output Voltage Range: 0.6 V to 5.5 V • Integrated, 4.1-mΩ and 1.9-mΩ Power MOSFETs With 25-A Continuous Output Current • Voltage Reference 0.6 V to 1.2 V in 50-mV Steps ...