一、电压的作用对象不同 VCC的供电电压作用于电路。VDD的工作电压作用于芯片。VSS的电压作用于器件内部。二、来源不同 VCC来源于集电极电源电压, 一般用于双极型晶体管。VDD来源于漏极电源电压,用于 MOS 晶体管电路, 一般指正电源。Vss来源于极电源电压,在 CMOS 电路中指负电源, 在单电源时指零伏或...
1、VDD的意思:电源电压(单极器件);电源电压(4000系列数字电 路);漏极电压(场效应管)。2、VCC的意思:电源电压(双极器件);电源电压(74系列数字电路);声控载波(Voice Controlled Carrier)。3、VSS的意思:通常指电路公共接地端电压或电源负极。4、VEE的意思:负电压供电;场效应管的源极(...
问题:What is the difference between VCC, VDD, VEE, and VSS? 有一个人的回答 Joseph NewcomerIt is a bit confusing, because Vcc was the positive voltage in bipolar logic (cc : Collector-to-Collector) and Vee was the negative reference voltage, which was 0 volts (ee : emitter-to-emitter)...
在MOS管构成的数字电路中,往往使用VDD作为供电电压的符号,在三极管构成的模拟电路中往往使用VCC作为供电电压的符号[3],到集成电路芯片以后,可能导致了VDD往往用于整个数字芯片的供电符号,VCC用于芯片内部模拟回路的供电; 4. 双字母命名法来自IEEE的标准,参考第2小节,这个应该是双字母命名法最终的标准答案; 注:下图来自...
VDD表示芯片工作时需提供的正工作电压(有些地方也用VCC表示),VSS表示负工作电压(这是在双电源供电时),一般情况下VSS端接地。 单解: VDD:电源电压(单极器件);电源电压(4000系列数字电路);漏极电压(场效应管) VCC:电源电压(双极器件);电源电压(74系列数字电路);声控载波(语音控制载波) ...
VPP: programming/erasing voltage. The difference between V and VA is: the difference between digital and analog. The difference between CC and DD is: the difference between the power supply voltage and the working voltage (usually VCC>VDD). Application Explanation ...
Revise JUNE 2007 Application Report Power Supply Difference for two (Vcc/ Vdd) Power Supply Products 1. Introduction This application Report describes specification for power supply voltage difference of TI's audio converter product which has digital Vdd (+3.3V ) p...
Hi everyone i am new to electronics and i would like to know wha t do the following mean Vcc, Vdd, Vss, Vs. Thx for all ur answers.
转自https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-VCC-VDD-VEE-and-VSS 问题:What is the difference between VCC, VDD, VEE, and VSS? 有一个人的回答 Joseph Newcomer It is a bit confusing, because Vcc was the positive voltage in bipolar logic (cc : Collector-to-Collector) and Vee...
转自https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-VCC-VDD-VEE-and-VSS 问题:What is the difference between VCC, VDD, VEE, and VSS? 有一个人的回答 Joseph Newcomer It is a bit confusing, because Vcc was the positive voltage in bipolar logic (cc : Collector-to-Collector) and Vee...