I think on my side was due some LLVM library, that i install on Ubuntu 22.04, at the end i reinstall system and used proper LLVM I am new in compile world, i am more FX artist, but wanted to go more into vdbPoints, not just for caching heavy flip and wwater sim, but also to ...
As a small aside, I am still not 100% clear on how exactly this works with regards to voxel centers and corners. The OpenVDB docs suggest that (0, 0, 0) maps to the first voxel's center, which means that if we wanted the corner to coincide with the world origin we'd need to ...
was found when the tear off was complete. I am happy with the final result. All of the employees that I encountered were hardworking, respectful of my property and the cleanup was thorough. Lastly, Jaime was a pleasure to work with. She coordinated the project with tact and professionalism...
I am really getting a kick out of the way the Dutch riders are being portrayed; their unabashed use of those drugs fits perfectly into my view of Dutch culture (which is to decide for or against something, but if you decide for it, you accept it and are not ashamed of your decision...
I am using Cmake GUI instead of vcpkg. I set all paths correct. I am able to generate it and build solution. The resulting folder has follow structure: I took all possible .dll files which I need (Blosc, Boost, IlmBase, OpenEXR, OpenVDB, tbb, zlib) and put it to same folder as...
worked for Not a Number and helped run the crowdfunding campaign that open sourced Blender (the first one on the internet!). I founded BlenderNation in 2006 and have been editing it every single day since then ;-) I also run theBlender Artists forumand I'm Head of Community atSketchfab...
Exploring the large image shows a wealth of interesting details...lots going on in the image... ... For sure. I almost put up an annotated image but it was too cluttered with objects. Refractor6 likes this Back to Experienced Deep Sky Imaging CNers have...
Hello. I am wondering about the standard volume settings in C4DtoA. This image is an example of the issue I'm having with blockiness in the render. I
i am using max 2017 and phoenix fd - 3.18 latest may build. unit scale meters. exporting vdb´s is not working. the sim gets saved out but the vdb sequence
Hard to say from the images what's going on. Could you send me a scene I can take a look at? Reply Report 0 Anonymous 06-27-2019 05:58 AM Thanks @Peter HorvathScene in the wetransfer below:https://we.tl/t-Arj3hoP1f0I only included the ...