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VC6.0数据采集通信介绍基于VC++的工控机与多台OMRON CJIG-H PLC组成的数据采集管理系统的实现.用RS 485连接上位机与现场10台PLC,在上位机中建立数据库和安装数据采集管理软件,通过总线将各台PLC的数据采集到上位机的数据库中统一管理.采用VC设计上位机界面,通信程序和作为数据库管理的前台开发语言;后台数据库软件...
11: pp. 183-201Segal, H.L.: Mechanism and regulation of protein turnover in animal cells. In: Current Topics in Cellular Regulation, vol. 11, pp. 183–201. Horecker, B.L., Stadtman, E.R. eds. New York, San Francis...
Heteroepitaxial growth of III-V materialsJohn Edward CunninghamKeith Wayne Goossen
Ashby,Prof. E. C
This study investigated the impact of conflict management on employees' performance in a public sector organisation, a case of Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN). This study adopted ...
Method for the preparation of prostaglandin synthetaseSheikh Arshad Saeed
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