太平洋开赛特色的是一种新的格式,团队在三个阶段竞争,以获得两个晋级马德里大师赛的名额。 What is VCT Pacific Kickoff 2024 VCT太平洋开赛2024是太平洋地区的Valorant冠军巡回赛季节 在这一年的第一个分裂。 VCT Pacific Kickoff 2024 format 比赛将从2月17日至21日的小组赛阶段开始,设有三个双淘汰小组。在2023年...
participate in the Pacific circuit or any other well yeah the Pacific circuit let's say in the future they would have to be counted as Imports and play a year as an import before they would be allowed to be counted as a domestic player again so all of the standard rules apply that ...
首先KICK OFF的冠军分入ALPHA组,亚军分入OMEGA组 第二档为进入KICK OFF季后赛的两支队伍(DRX,T1),抽签各分一组 第三档为进入PLAY IN但没晋级季后赛的两支队伍(Team Secret,ZETA) 第四档为小组赛阶段被淘汰但不是垫底的两支(GE,Talon Esports,RRQ) 第五档为小组赛阶段垫底的两支队伍(DFM,BLEED) 具体的分...
【瓦妹资讯站】#vctpacific# T1 Sayaplayer 宣布恢复自由身份 进入人才市场#无畏契约# 无畏契约电竞超话 û收藏 1 评论 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 电竞博主 超话小主持人(无畏契约电竞超话) Ü 简介: 又菜又爱玩的瓦妹~ 更多...
Back in late March, we found out that this year's Ascension will be making it's way to Tokyo, Japan and today, Riot Games has just unveiled the first exciting details about VCT Ascension Pacific Tokyo 2024. This epic tournament is set to catapult a new team into the prestigious VCT Paci...
转角职业反应 | RRQ fl1pzjder全场最佳 | 瓦罗兰特VCT Pacific RRQ vs TLN赛事亮眼 01:15 闪后"隐身"-被动技能 | VCT Pacific赛事亮眼 |VALORANT无畏契约 01:27 100T Cryo冥驹亮眼ACE | 瓦罗兰特VCT Americas赛事亮眼 01:04 MIBR诱敌深入 | VCT Americas赛事亮眼 01:04 雷兹加奥所向披靡 | 瓦...
Rivalry in-house content writer and lover of all things gaming, from League of Legends to Animal Crossing. Always chasing the play of the gameUpdated: February 26 The VCT Pacific Kickoff event marks the grand return of Valorant esports and the Valorant Champions Tour to Asia, beginning on Febr...
With three all-important 2024 Pacific circuit points on the line, there's everything to play for at this Kickoff event! Read on for the complete list of teams and players participating in the 2024 Pacific Kickoff.Which team are you betting on?
T1在VCT Pacific中与Paper Rex一样不温不火,他们连续面对Gen.G时低迷的状态一度让他们处在危险的边缘。而来到季后赛的T1终于找回了状态,两次击败Gen.G并锁定了VCT东京大师赛的席位。 ASE 在FGC ACT邀请赛中,ASE在赛程前期的表现并不尽如人意,勉强晋级淘汰赛。来到淘汰赛的ASE在1-2不敌BLG后,在败者组被EDG以...
VCT 2023 Pacific League: Teams, Results, Schedule, Format, Livestream, More Here is everything about the top Valorant league of the APAC region. News 2 years ago VCL 2023 South Asia Split 1: Teams, Results, Schedule, Format, Livestream, More Here is everything you need to know about...