第五周-22场:太平洋,EMEA,CN,美洲依次结束常规赛;每小组前三名将进入淘汰赛争夺前往上海大师赛的名额 第一阶段淘汰赛赛程如下,小组头名轮空,二三名参加的首轮为单败,随后决出前三进入上海大师赛。 上海大师赛:5月23日-6月9日; 赛制赛程待定,后续可以看https://liquipedia.net/valorant/VCT/2024/Stage_2/Mast...
CN.EMEA/AMERICAS是连续打五天,太平洋是上周末打完BO3,本周末打败决和总决 上海大师赛:5月23日-6月9日;赛制赛程待定,后续可以看 https://liquipedia.net/valorant/VCT/2024/Stage_2/Masters 各赛区季后赛对阵可见: 1.CN 2.EMEA 3.美洲 4.太平洋:仅剩最后两场BO5...
In 2024,Apeks won the EMEA stage of VCT Ascension and received a spot in VCT 2025's coveted EMEA league.For the first time, the team's dream is now within reach. Could Florescent be what Apeks needs to finally win the VALORANT Champions Tour?
2024, we also saw the introduction of Premier to competitive play, and a host of Challengers Leagues in EMEA have already welcomed Premier teams to their competitions. While we’re delighted to see such promising talent lighting up the regional stage, we’re ...
FPX overtime in the EMEA Challengers Stage three almost broke the longest game time record. The second game of the best-of-three series played on the Bind map ended with forZe grabbing the win at 22-20. It ran for over one hour and 42 minutes, according to vlr.gg. Sentinels vs. ...
LOUD now has a chance to etch its name in history in front of a raucous home crowd. NoVALORANTteam has ever won two international events, let alone back-to-back tournaments. They’re guaranteed an EMEA opponent in March 4’s grand final, and a win means an extra slot for Americas at...
❗划重点,此帖只总结正赛(启点赛、马德里大师赛、stage1、stage2、首尔冠军赛)不包括邀请赛和娱乐赛。ps:不要问我为什么没有殇骸鞑尸赛,因为没赢。 接下来我将根据赛段一一列出五位选手的MVP战绩图: 雾生叹 3-6 9 由VCT赛事吧853名吧友共同投票 十旬玉 VCT2025战队评级公开投票,截止12.7下午1点...
太平洋赛区启点赛1.18-2.9分组出炉 首轮 1.18 BME-T1/ZETA-NS 1.19 GE-TS/DFM-RRQ 详细可见: 官方赛程网站:https://valorantesports.com/en-SG?leagues=vct_americas,vct_china,vct_emea,vct_pacific 狼队的留...12-17 182 持续更新| val2asain top20开始公布 ...
首周赛程可见:VCT24四大赛区第2赛段第1周6.15-6.16赛程汇总https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv35299781/ 亚太和CN明天6/15率先开赛 EMEA 6/18(下周二,国内时间下周三凌晨开赛) AMER 6/22(下周六,国内时间下周日凌晨开赛) 结合各赛区Logo,分别列出比赛日期/赛区/对阵双方以及在北京,欧洲中部以及美西的时间。如果...