ggg ... 康神有时候其实打的很不合理,但是他枪太准了,所以很多名场面 4月前·广东 49 分享 回复 展开7条回复 五万亿宇宙 ... 学不会的[尬笑]康康的反应和开枪速度纯天赋怪[流泪] 4月前·广东 68 分享 回复 展开7条回复 唯愿 ... 开枪快才是真的快,瓦玩家很喜欢把有观赏性的瞄准方式吹成最强瞄准...
VCT Masters Reykjavik pitted both teams against each other in the finals with Optic taking home the win but it would be LOUD getting the last laugh as the two teams squared off against each other again in the finals of VCT Champions 2022 which is also known as the VALORANT world championshi...