VCT AMERICAS STAGE 1 BEGINS AT RIOT GAMES ARENA LOS ANGELES! After a deep run at Masters Madrid, Sentinels and LOUD return with the rest of VCT Americas to commence Stage 1 play at the Riot Games Arena LA! The fresh VCT Americas format pits all 11 teams against each other in a single...
3.VCT EMEA/欧洲中东非洲联赛分组与赛程 分组 Alpha组:KC/FNC/VIT/TL/BBL Omega组:TH/NAVI/KOI/FUT/M8/GX 赛程 4.VCT Americas/美洲联赛分组与赛程 分组 Alpha组:SEN/NRG/...
Keep your calendars clear for the first week of VCT Americas 2024 Stage One, because some of the biggest matchups of the event will be taking place at the beginning of April. Recommended Videos Riot Games has unveiled the first matchesof the tournament, which was decided through a randomized ...
G2 EsportsvsLOUD是VCT Americas 2024 Stage 1的最后一场比赛。它仍然具有季中附加赛的影响力。所有目光都将投向这场比赛,以看到中期季后赛的比赛形势,有机会进入上海大师赛。 G2 EsportsvsLOUD- 谁会成为破坏者? 对于这些队伍来说,这真的是一个赢了就进的局面。对于G2而言,比LOUD要简单一些。G2只需要在系列...
【VCT Americas Stage1】SuperWeek Day2 KRU 2:0 EG ⚡️ MVP Keznit LEV 2:0 NRG ⚡️ MVP Mazino #2024vct国际联赛##无畏契约cn联赛第一赛段##vctcn#
VCT Pacific Kickoff 2024: Format The VCT 2024 Kickoff events are held across all four international VCT regions (Americas, EMEA, China, and Pacific) and mark the beginning of the first split in the Valorant Champions Tour esports calendar before VCT Masters Madrid in March. The VCT Pacific 202...
【VCT Americas Stage1】第一周选手数据排行 全部都高的吓人啊这美洲赛区的rating[哆啦A梦害怕],Aspas以1.41排名第五 #2024vct国际联赛##vctcn##无畏契约#
VCT Pacific Kickoff 2024: Format The VCT 2024 Kickoff events are held across all four international VCT regions (Americas, EMEA, China, and Pacific) and mark the beginning of the first split in the Valorant Champions Tour esports calendar before VCT Masters Madrid in March. The VCT Pacific 202...
2024无畏契约冠军巡回赛 | 美洲赛区第一阶段 | VCT Americas Stage 1 VALORANT所长 9397 6 【VCT欧洲 第一赛段】TH vs FNC 季后赛 总决赛 灰灰Hhui 2606 1 2024无畏契约冠军巡回赛 | VCT EMEA第二阶段 VALORANT所长 4614 2 PRX vs. GEN VCT太平洋赛区总决赛【中文解说】 芝士红茶啊 15.0万 882 2024...
“我很幸运有我的队友们的祝福。”在赢得VCT Americas Stage 1之后,100T Boostio 说道。 100TBoostio关于他想在上海选择谁以及他如何受到自己团队的祝福 (Tina Jo / Riot Games 摄) “首先。说出你的垃圾话。” Boostio:“我的意思是,我想整个分区比赛期间一直都在说这个。我们证明了我们是这个比赛中最好的...