开启新栏目绝对不摆烂! 194 0 08:33:59 App 《VALORANT无畏契约》2023VCT Americas季后赛事直播回放第1天【LEV vs.FUR】【NRG vs.EG】 380 0 19:20:49 App 无畏契约改变者 | 英国伦敦 | Red Bull Instalock 浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开...
而在接下来的Americas League上,NRG凭借6-3的良好成绩进入季后赛,在季后赛阶段NRG先输后来的冠军赛冠军EG,连胜两场之后在败者组决赛成功复仇3-1EG,但在总决赛上却对LOUD没有复仇成功,被LOUD3-0横扫,屈居亚军。不过这次赛事ardiis凭借率领NRG打入决赛以及自身优秀的数据,得到了一枚接近Best EVP的TOP EVP,这是今年...
vct インターナショナルリーグ(pacific・emea・americas・china) vct ascension(pacific・emea・americas・china) valorant challengers league valorant premier vctの国際大会であるmastersとchampionsに出場するのはインターナショナルリーグで上位の成績を残したチーム。そのインターナショナルリーグ...
3.VCT EMEA/欧洲中东非洲联赛分组与赛程 https://liquipedia.net/valorant/VCT/2024/EMEA_League/Stage_1 分组 Alpha组:KC/FNC/VIT/TL/BBL Omega组:TH/NAVI/KOI/FUT/M8/GX 赛程 4.VCT Americas/美洲联赛分组与赛程 https://liquipedia.net/valorant/VCT/2024/Americas_League/Stage_1 分组 Alpha组:SEN/NRG/...
CHINA– Riot Games revealed today the integration of China as the latest addition to the VALORANT Champions Tour (VCT), positioning it as the fourth International League. This announcement places China shoulder to shoulder with the Pacific, EMEA, and Americas leagues at the premier level of compet...
Riot Games officially launched Valorant in China in 2023. With the launch of Valorant in China, we saw multiple Chinese teams taking the center stage and qualifying for international events throughout the year. China has always been a central part of Riot Games’ esports division. In League of...
Here is everything you need to know about the regional Valorant tournament VCT 2023 Ascension Americas
VCT 2023 Americas League – LOUD vs MIBR Predictions LOUD wins 2-0. LOUD vs MIBR – Maps Map 1: Pearl Map 2: Fracture Map 3: Icebox LOUD vs MIBR – Score Map 1: LOUD to win with MIBR<9 Map 2: LOUD to win with MIBR<6
Valorant Champions Tour 2023: LOCK//IN São Paulo - O VCT LOCK//IN São Paulo acontece entre os dias 13 de fevereiro e 4 de março de 2023 com premiação de US$ 100 mil. Valorant Champions Tour 2023: Americas League - O VCT 2023: America League, que é a competição on...
VCT 2023 Americas League – Leviatán vs NRG Esports Predictions NRG Esports wins 2-0. Leviatán vs NRG Esports – Maps Map 1: Haven Map 2: Lotus Map 3: Icebox Leviatán vs NRG Esports – Score Map 1: NRG Esports to win with Leviatán<11 ...