或者vcs +optconfigfile+async.list async.list内容: instance {tb_top.U_TOP.U_CORE.U_Async} {noTiming} 注:0. 直接在vcs选项后添加optconfigfile及vcs_cfg即可; 1. vcs_cfg可以针对module、instance、tree起作用; 2. vcs_cfg可以添加的选项有noTiming、noSpecify、noIopath; 转载:http://blog.sina.com...
+rad[+1] +1 可选 保持层次和信号供调试,支持增量编译,+rad 不支持增量编译 +optconfigfile+filename 可选 指定对应的层次做+rad 优化 +2state 编译时的命令开关,通过减少计算和追踪时状态的个数来提高仿真速度.通常指 Roadrunner Technology.只在 0 和 1 两个状态中操作,复杂的 x,z 和强度等都通过简单...
sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev device-tree-compiler pkg-config libexpat-dev 1. 2、下载riscv-fesvr git clone https://github.com/riscv...
# The Makefile supports the following command line # makefile支持下列命令行 # % make target_name_* <SEED=xxx> <DEFINES=xxxx> # makefile文件放在哪?放在仿真路径。make [-f makefile文件名][选项][宏定义][目标] # -f 指定makefile 若没有则make程序首先在当前目录查找名为makefile的文件,如果没...
Import theMsgSrvTypes.cffile from the/etc/VRTSvcs/conf/configdirectory. Import this type file. Note that you need to be on a cluster node to find this file. Now create a resource of typeMsgSrv(for example,Mail). This resource requires the logical host name property to be set. ...
Import theMsgSrvTypes.cffile from the/etc/VRTSvcs/conf/configdirectory. Import this type file. Note that you need to be on a cluster node to find this file. Now create a resource of typeMsgSrv(for example,Mail). This resource requires the logical host name property to be set. ...
-sdfmin|typ|max:instance_name:file.sdf 如vcs-sdf min:top.i_test.:test.sdf 使⽤系统函数$sdf_annotate $sdf_annotate (“sdf_file”[, module_instance] [,“sdf_configfile”][,“sdf_logfile”][,“mtm_spec”] [,“scale_factors”][,“scale_type”]);这⾥除了sdf_file必须给出外,其他...
+rad+l+ 1可选保持层次和信号供调试,支持增最编译,+rad不支持增量編译+optconfigfile+filename可选 指定对应的层次做+nid优化+2state编译时的命令开关,通过减少计算和追踪时状态的个数來提高仿真速度。Roadrunner Technologyo只在0和I两个状态中操作,复杂的x, z和强度等都通过简单的布尔代数代替,z川0代替,x用...
Please check the hier config file "cm_hier.file". Warning-[VCM-HFNM] Hier Config: No pattern match None of the patterns in the hier config file ( given by -cm_hier option ) matched any pattern. Please check the hier config file "cm_hier.file". ...
use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling); GetOptions ( "help|?" => sub { usage (0); }, "V|version" => sub { say "$CMD [$VERSION]"; exit 0; }, "V|version" => sub { print "$CMD [$VERSION]\n"; exit 0; },"v|verbose:1" => \(my $opt_v = 0),"...