6、VCS编译注意问题: 使用VCS编译时,必须先将含有`timescale或者宏定义的文档放在前面,不然会报错误 Error-[ITSFM] Illegal `timescale for module router_test_top.sv, 7 Module "router_test_top" has `timescale but previous module(s)/package(s) do not. Please refer LRM 1364-2001 section 19.8....
When I run compile_simlib to compile Vivado simulation libraries for VCS-MX, it fails for the hdmi_gt_controller_v1_0_0 IP. The error message is as follows. Error-[ITSFM] Illegal `timescale for module /vivado/data/ip/xilinx/hdmi_gt_controller_v1_0/hdl/src/verilog/hdmi_gt_controller...
When using VCS compilation, you must first put a document containing ' timescale or macro definitions in front of you, or you will report an error ERROR-[ITSFM] illegal ' timescale for module ROUTER_TEST_TOP.SV, 7 Module "Router_test_top" have ' timescale but previous module (s)/pack...
`timescale 1ns/1ps `celldefine module DFFXL (Q, QN, D, CK); output Q, QN; input D, CK; reg NOTIFIER;//时序检查系统函数和 udp 功能真值表之间的联系寄存器 supply1 xSN,xRN; //下面是这个时序 cell 的功能描述,由元件,udp,逻辑操作组成. buf IC (clk, CK); udp_dff I0 (n0, D, ...
use this option to specify the time scale for these source files.-uChanges all characters in identifiers to uppercase-VEnables the verbose modev Sp 56、ecifies a Verilog library file to search for module definitions.-veraSpecifies the standard VERA PLI table file and object library.-vera_dbind...
An online backup of my beloved automated processes scripts - auto_processes/compilation_templates/vcs_sim/vcs.help at master · rahulrs/auto_processes
timescale I ns/1 pscclldctincmodule DFFXL (Q QN* D, CK);output Q. QMinput D, CK;reg NQTIFI 15、ER;时序检査系统函数和udp功能真值表之间的联系寄存器supply I xSN.xRN;/T面是这个时序wll的功能描述,由元件,iMp,逻辑操作组成buf IC(clk,CK):udp.dfflO (nO. D. elk. xRNt xSNt NOTTF...
timescale is in the Verilog format (for example, 10ns/10ns). use_sigprop Enables the signal property access functions. (for example, vera_get_ifc_name()). vera_portname Specifies the following: The Vera shell module name is named vera_shell. ...
time scale for these source files u Changes all characters in identifiers to uppercase V Enables the verbose mode v Specifies a Verilog library file to search for module definitions vera Specifies the standard VERA PLI table file and object library vera dbind Specifies the VERA PLI table file ...