Timing check类型的: 1) $disable_warnings,$enable_warnings, 2) $hold,$nochange等。 random类型: 1)返回某个分布的随机值,$dist_exponential,$dist_normal, $random, 2)$get_initial_random_seed,拿到当前seed的值; 控制VCS: 1)$reset,将simulation time reset到零, SDF file: 1) $sdf_annotate() X...
. Enable and Disable Dumping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Override the VPD Filename . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dump Multi-dimensional Arrays and Memories . . . . . . . . Using $vcdplusmemorydump . . . . . ....
给出warnings +notimingcheck 不进行时序检查,加快仿真速度 +vcs+dumparrays 在VCD中dump存储器和多维数组,必须和+memcbk 编译选项联用 +vcs+dumpon+time 告诉vcs直到time时刻,$dumpvars才能起作用 +vcs+dumpoff+time 告诉vcs直到time时刻,$dumpvars才不起作用 +vcs+dumpvarsoff 关闭$dumpvars系统任务 +vcs+...
给出warnings +notimingcheck 不进行时序检查,加快仿真速度 +vcs+dumparrays 在VCD中dump存储器和多维数组,必须和+memcbk 编译选项联用 +vcs+dumpon+time 告诉vcs直到time时刻,$dumpvars才能起作用 +vcs+dumpoff+time 告诉vcs直到time时刻,$dumpvars才不起作用 +vcs+dumpvarsoff 关闭$dumpvars系统任务 +vcs+...
Disable tCHmax Violation Warnings: These messages can be resolved by modifying the simulation test bench file above the HBM instantiation Below is an example for a single stack HBM design: // synthesis translate off wire clean_ck_t_CHA = <HBM IP instance name>.inst.ONE_STACK.u_hbm_top.ONE...
Disable tCHmax Violation Warnings: These messages can be resolved by modifying the simulation test bench file above the HBM instantiation Below is an example for a single stack HBM design: // synthesis translate off wire clean_ck_t_CHA = <HBM IP instance name>.inst.ONE_STACK.u_hbm_top.ONE...
一、编译:VCS 一个常见的编译命令如下: vcsdesign.v-ffile.f-ylib_dir+libext+.v-vlib_filepli.c\ -Ppli.tab-Mupdate-obin_name-llog_file+v2k-R-RI-s\ -debug_all+vcsd+define+m1+m2+timopt+-line\ +incdir+dir1+dir2+memopt[+2]-sverilog-mhdl+ad\ -full64-comp64+nospecify+notimingch...
Despite of all of those warnings the simulation goes on, but I am not really sure if all the timing are really annotated! I would like to know from you if I really have to take care of such warnings or not and if it is possible to fix them! Sorry to have attached so match code...
Added a lot of (int) casts to avoid compiler warnings in systems where Jun 1, 2010 pcre_scanner.h Apply Craig's patch to move no_arg into the RE class. Jan 21, 2008 pcre_scanner_unittest.cc C++ patch to guard 'using std::' directives with namespace pcrecpp. ...