VCS仿真出现database file access error VFS_SDB_ERROR vcs仿真找不到license,算是给自己一个警示吧~告诉自己千万不能再随便搞内核开发了~就算是搞的话也一定在虚拟机上做~刚一个网友问我他的WIN7上也出现了有关License不显示的问题,那我就算是做个记录,也算是给大家
VCS仿真出现database file accesserrorVFS_SDB_ERRORvcs仿真找不到license 算是给自己一个警示吧~告诉自己千万不能再随便搞内核开发了~就算是搞的话也一定在虚拟机上做~刚一个网友问我他的WIN7上也出现了有关License不显示的问题,那我就算是做个记录,也算是给大家提个醒。正题开始:1. 首先对于WIN7,对于安装...
界面模式比较少用,即先直接在terminal上执行dve命令打开DVE工具,然后点击File---Open Database,选择vpd文件即可。3 Verdi仿真相比VCS自带的DVE工具查看波形,业内更多的用Synopsis家另一款工具——Verdi。Verdi不是仿真器,只能查看波形,查看波形时必须引入 fsdb 文件,该文件可由EDA工具的仿真器来实现(如Synopsys的VCS,...
file is needed to set up the database. By default, anempty coverage file is loaded from simv.vdb/snps/fcov/default.db. -ova_filter Blocksreporting of trivial if-then successes. These happen whenan if-then construct registers a success only because the if portion is false (and so ...
ERROR: Some process(s) is not making progress. LMHB (ospid: 27613) is terminating the instance. Please check LMHB trace file formore details. Please also check the CPU load, I/O load andother system properties foranomalous behavior ERROR: Some process(s) is not making progress. ...
echo "Restore the database from ${DUMPFILE}" run_cmd kubectl exec gitea-vcs-postgres-0 -c postgres -n services -it -- psql -U postgres < "${DUMPFILE}" || err_exit "Error reading from $DUMPFILE" echo "Delete the gitea-vcs-postgres secrets" run_cmd kubectl delete -f "${MANIFEST...
in a Postgres database. Because of this, both sources must be backed up and restored together. ### Backup Postgres data * [Automated backup and restore](#automated-backup-and-restore) * [Automated backup](#automated-backup) * [Automated restore](#automated-restore) * [Manual backup and res...
LMHB (ospid: 27613): terminating the instance due to error 29770 System State dumped to trace file /u01/app/oa_base/diag/rdbms/authorcl/authorcl1/trace/authorcl1_diag_27561.trc Tue Apr 22 17:27:00 2014 ORA-1092 : opitsk aborting process ...
[1]: Leaving directory `/project/UVM_AXI_TEST/csrc' Make exited with status 2 CPU time: 11.309 seconds to compile + .334 seconds to elab + .372 seconds to link Verdi KDB elaboration done and the database successfully generated: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) make: *** [comp] Error 2 ...
点击“File/Open Database” 选择“Counter.vcd” 文件 然后在Hierachy下出现设计的层次关系,在log里显示文件打开成功。 然后点击DUT (这是Testbench中设计的例化名), 选择 “Add to Waves”. 这样就可以看到设计的仿真波形了 上面示例就是最简单的VCS 仿真过程。在实际工作中,还会用到VCS的debug功能。此时需要加...