2.VCS/VCSMX 一般仿真步骤 VCS仿真可以分成两步法或三步法, 对Mix language, 必须用三步法。仿真前要配置好synopsys_sim.setup文件,里边有lib mapping等信息。设置环境变量'setenv SYNOPSYS_SIM_SETUP /xxx/xxx/synopsys_sim.setup'. VCS对应的waveform工具有DVE和Verdi, DVE因为是原生的,所以VCS对DVE非常友好。但...
Exception Type: too many addresses error Cause: Too many addresses provided. TerminalStatusNotificationManager.startNotification Exception ID: POL0004 Exception Type: unlimited notifications not supported Cause: Count equals zero. TerminalStatusNotificationManager.startNotification Exception ID: POL0005 Exception...
VCS 仿真option 解析 VCS的仿真选项分编译(compile-time)选项和运行(run-time)选项。编译选项用于RTL/TB的编译,一遍是编译了就定了,不能在仿真中更改其特性,例如define等等。而仿真选项常用于仿真过程中控制仿真过程的选项,例如波形dump,testplusargs等等。 1.1VCS常用的编译选项 1.2VCS常用的运行选项 1.3VCS调试模式...
-cm_count:启cmView执以下操作: 在翻转覆盖范围中,不仅信号是否从0切换到1以及从1切换到0,还切换了信号切换的次数。在 FSM覆盖范围中,不仅FSM是否达到状态都具有这种过渡,且它的执次数在条件覆盖率中,不仅要满是否满条件,还要满条件的次数在覆盖率中,不仅要执条线,还要执多少次。-cm_dir <directory_path 8...
6、mng smc 8082 8065 smcapp smc 8088 8065 dbdaemon smc 8076 8065 billcreater smc 8070 8065 backupdaemon smc 8106 8065 filemirror smc 8100 8065 mapserver smc 8094 8065 mtiserver smc 8095 8065 l2cachedaemon smc 8096 8065 fcc Count 10 2. 在主备机上执行smcdbg命令,检查SMC各进程的状态。正常...
error during the provisioning of a circuit/VC and the circuit/VC could not be created, the Provisioning state will be Create Failed. You can click theiicon in the Provisioning column to see the configuration of the devices ...
HRESULT PropCount( [out] ULONG *pCount ); Parameters [out] pCount The number of properties defined for the object. Return value If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code. Requirements Expand table RequirementValue Minimum supported client Wind...
在Configuration部分的Hop count字段中输入要用于此区域的跳数值。手动配置区域的默认值为15,但是,当流量通过未知网络(例如云或互联网服务)移动时,建议使用70。 要编辑Microsoft Lync B2BUA配置的网络界面中的跳数值,请完成以下步骤: 导航到应用> B2BUA > Microsoft Lync >配置。
self.checkSTS(self.__stsRetryCount, self.__stsRetryInterval) File "C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\firstboot\vmidentity-firstboot.py", line 1179, in checkSTS raise Exception('Failed to initialize Secure Token Server.') Exception: Failed to initialize Secure Token Server. ...
-cm_countcompile-time option Post Processing: vcs -cm_pp -cm_report summary The above command is used to post process the results of Code Coverage generated during simulaion. This command produces results in simv.cm/reports directory.