Method 1: Download Vcruntime140.dll Method 2: Fix the missing Vcruntime140.dll error automatically Method 3: Update drivers to restore missing .dll files Method 4: Scan your PC for malware to fix vcruntime140.dll error Method 5: Fix Vcruntime140.dll missing error with System File Checke...
操作步骤如下: 1.访问微软官方下载中心或者直接搜索“Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Download”。 2.根据您的操作系统版本选择合适的 redistributable 包。通常会有针对32位和64位系统的不同版本,您需要根据您的系统架构下载相应的安装包。 3.下载后运行安装程序,并按照提示完成安装过程。 4.安装完成后,系统应该...
1.访问微软官方下载中心或者直接搜索“Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Download”。 2.根据您的操作系统版本选择合适的 redistributable 包。通常会有针对32位和64位系统的不同版本,您需要根据您的系统架构下载相应的安装包。 3.下载后运行安装程序,并按照提示完成安装过程。 4.安装完成后,系统应该会自动包含缺失...
你下载安装一下VC运行库就可以了。您要访问的页面不存在-404错误 -脚本之家
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable latest supported downloads Redistributable Package installation fails C2653 or C2039 error when you reference a STD function Can't change the state of a menu item Change mouse pointer for a window in MFC Click a Check box in a TreeView Error at thread ...
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable latest supported downloads Redistributable Package installation fails C2653 or C2039 error when you reference a STD function Can't change the state of a menu item Change mouse pointer for a window in MFC ...
On the two computers with which I try to launch my application, there is a .Net version 4.5 so I try to uninstall the 4.5 version and then I download and install the version 4.0 to test. The application does not start and a message appears to tell me that the application has stopped ...>最新Visual C++ 运行时 >Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 (Visual C++ 8.0) vcomp(无数字).dll msvc*60.dll msvc*71.dll msvc*80.dll mfc*80*.dll 特征很明显,80以下对应的运行时为 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Servi...
要正确下载vcruntime140.dll文件,一种可靠的方法是到Microsoft官方网站上寻找。在搜索栏中输入“vcruntime140.dll download”,找到与您操作系统版本对应的文件下载链接。务必确保从官方渠道下载,以免潜在的安全风险。 2. 通过第三方软件即dll修复工具 Dll修复工具中有很多的dll文件其中就包括vcruntime140.dll文件,所以...
找不到VCRUNTIME140.dll的原因可能有以下几点:1.未安装或未正确安装Visual C++ Redistributable:VCRUNTIME140.dll是Visual C运行时库的一个组成部分。如果您尚未安装或未正确安装Visual C Redistributable,则可能导致VCRUNTIME140.dll丢失。您可以从这里下载并安装: