Visual Studio 2017微软不再提供ISO格式的离线安装包,所以,想下来收藏就只能手动制作iso安装包了。 首先,再微软官方网站下载需要的在线安装文件: 其中,社区版为免费使用,其他两个版本为收费版。具体区别如下 以社区版为例,下载后获得一个1.2M大小的在线安装文件...
访问微软官方网站:前往 [Microsoft Download Center]( 页面。 选择合适的版本: 您会看到多个 Visual C++ Redistributable 的下载链接,确保选择“Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3”。 根据你的操作系统架构(32位或64位)选择对应的安装包。 下载: 点击相应的按钮进行下载。文件名通常为vcredist_x86.exe(32位)...
2015 C++环境 x86 x64安装包 上传者:u010421955时间:2021-03-23 vcredist_x64 (2010-2022运行库).zip VC++运行库最新集合 上传者:suyan128时间:2021-11-19 2010版本的vcredist。下载链接: ...
2015 C++环境 x86 x64安装包 上传者:u010421955时间:2021-03-23 vc2012运行库x86与x64合集 zip压缩包,内含俩文件,一个x86,一个x64。转自下载吧网站 上传者:dtl213时间:2013-06-28 VC运行库(vcredist_x86) VC运行库(vcredist_x86)VC运行库(vcredist_x86)VC运行库(vcredist_x86) ...
Milestone 1.9 Packages Closed Dec 4, 2024, 100% complete RelationshipsNone yet Development Update manifest: Microsoft.VCRedist.2015+.x86 version 14.40.33810.0microsoft/winget-pkgs Update manifests: Microsoft.VCRedist.2015+.x64 version 14.40.33810.0microsoft/winget-pkgs Participants Issue actionsFooter...
Usage: VisualCppRedist_AIO_x86_x64.exe [switches] All switches are optional, case-sensitive. /y Passive mode, shows progress. *All* Runtime packages are installed. /ai Quiet mode, no output shown. *All* Runtime packages are installed. /aiA Quiet mode. *All* Runtime packages are install...
Direct Download URL: MicrosoftVisualC++2015Redistributable(x86)-14.0.24215Registry Key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Dependencies\{e2803110-78b3-4664-a479-3611a381656a}Configura...
ultimate 2013. on a windows 10 operating system notebook. When I compile a program, it gives me an error for Tools missing v140. I try installing vs2015 but cannot install and there is another error, missing a package C:\Users\name]\Downloads\packages\vcRedistD12\1033\vcredist_x86.exe...
ultimate 2013. on a windows 10 operating system notebook. When I compile a program, it gives me an error for Tools missing v140. I try installing vs2015 but cannot install and there is another error, missing a package C:\Users\name]\Downloads\packages\vcRedistD12\1033\vcredist_x86.exe....