如果要指定输出目录和特定文件名,需使用"–-output="参数 vcpkg export opencv4 --7zip --triplet=x64-windows --output=/path/to/your/folder 各种依赖都在这里 5.3导入备份的开源库(尚未尝试) 导入比较简单,执行import指令即可。例如: vcpkg import xxx.7z 5.4 vcpkg本地组成 :下载工具和下载的源代码包 :...
vcpkg export opencv4 --7zip --triplet=x64-windows --output=/path/to/your/folder 添加图片注释,不超过 140 字(可选) 添加图片注释,不超过 140 字(可选) 各种依赖都在这里 5.3 导入备份的开源库(尚未尝试) 导入比较简单,执行import指令即可。例如: vcpkg import xxx.7z 5.4 vcpkg本地组成 添加图...
Copy tools and all their DLL dependencies into thetoolsfolder. Usage cmake vcpkg_copy_tools( TOOL_NAMES <tool1>... [SEARCH_DIR <${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/bin>] [DESTINATION <${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/tools/${PORT}>] [AUTO_CLEAN] ) ...
Run the bootstrap script in the vcpkg folder: C:\src\vcpkg> .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat Ubuntu:~/$ ./bootstrap-vcpkg.sh Now vcpkg.exe is in the root of the repository You are now all set (no installation, no registry… the tool and the associated “lib folder” are xcopy-ab...
1.下载安装: git clonehttps://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg 2.运行bootstrap-vcpkg.bat下载vcpkg.exe ...
Copy all DLL dependencies of built tools into the tool folder. Usage cmakeCopy vcpkg_copy_tool_dependencies(<${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/tools/${PORT}>) Parameters The path to the directory containing the tools. Notes This command should always be called by portfiles after they have finished rear...
The folderdocs/examples/vcpkg_android_example_cmakeprovides a working example, with an android library that consumes the jsoncpp library: Details Note: this example only compiles an Android library, as the compilation of a full fledged Android App is beyond the scope of this document. ...
The "tools" directory stays empty during the building process, neither an "x264" subfolder nor an x264.exe are present there at any time, so I honestly don't know why the rename command fails. Maybe "copy" would be better here?
\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy Bypass -file D:/develop-tools/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/msbuild/applocal.ps1 -targetBinary D:/CLionProjects/wxtest0/cmake-build-debug/wxtest0.exe -installedDir D:/CLionProjects/wxtest0/cmake-build-debug/vcpkg...