vcpkg integrate install全局集成, cmake项目可以使用set(-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=D:/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake)指定工具路径。 vcpkg integrate project项目集成,根据提示操作就行 With a project open, go to Tools->NuGet Package Manager->Package Manager Console and paste: Install-Package vcpkg...
add_executable(IntegrateVcpkgWithCmake main.cpp) target_link_libraries(IntegrateVcpkgWithCmake Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Core) 接下来添加fmt、boost、log4cplus并应用起来 编辑CMakeLists.txt如下 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION3.14) project(IntegrateVcpkgWithCmake LANGUAGES CXX) set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_...
When you set CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE to use the vcpkg toolchain (<vcpkg-root>/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake), vcpkg takes advantage of the toolchain file mechanism to inject code to integrate with built-in CMake functions transparently to you....
vcpkg integrate install After this, you can create a new project or open an existing one in the IDE. All installed libraries should already be discoverable by IntelliSense and usable in code without additional configuration. Using vcpkg with CMake In order to use vcpkg with CMake outside of ...
easily integrate with your build system control the versions of your dependencies package and publish your own packages reuse your binary artifacts enable offline scenarios with asset caching Contribute vcpkg is an open source project, and is thus built with your contributions. Here are some ways you...
.\vcpkg\vcpkg integrate install 04 vscode 配置 安装插件 CMake 和 CMake Tools 然后在你的项目中,在 .vscode/setting.json 配置,第一个是配置你的 vcpkg 安装位置 ${vcpkg_root}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake,第二个是告知使用哪个版本,不然默认 x86。
easily integrate with your build system control the versions of your dependencies package and publish your own packages reuse your binary artifacts enable offline scenarios with asset caching Contribute vcpkg is an open source project, and is thus built with your contributions. Here are some ways you...
集成使用:.\vcpkg integrate install 执行上条命令后,vcpkg会全自动的适配目录,不需要关心已安装的库的目录在哪里,也不需要单独设置,就可以在Visual Studio 任意的 C++ 工程中使用安装好的第三方库。 比如此前介绍的pybind11混合编程,不再需要单独配置就可以构建工程 pizh12thu:Python/C++混合编程利器Pybind11实践 ...
vcpkg integrate installIntegrates with Visual Studio (Windows-only), sets the user-wide vcpkg instance, and displays CMake integration help.On Windows with Visual Studio 2015, this subcommand will add redirecting logic into the MSBuild installation which will automatically pick up each user's user-...
CMake 3.12 or higher Git Usage Include the vcpkg.cmake script in your project. Copy the vcpkg.cmake script to your project's cmake directory or any preferred location. Modify your CMakeLists.txt to use the script. Below is an example of how to integrate the script with your CMakeLists...