Failed. Status: ${download_status}") set(download_success 0) else() set(download_success 1) break() endif() endforeach(url) endif() curoky commented on Feb 26, 2020 curoky on Feb 26, 2020 ContributorAuthor @timautry Yeah, I use --x-use-aria2 to install package. ...
warning: Download failed--retrying after 4000ms Downloading Failed to downloadfrommirrorseterror: https:...
Failed. Status: 56;"Failure when receiving data from the peer" 解决方法:由于vcpkg下载的库或依赖基本上都是github上的,而github在国内访问的太慢了。可以用码云gitee把github上的项目先fork一下再导入,通过码云下载好,再放到vcpkg的目录的downloads文件夹中。 首先复制这个网址,复制到浏览器中,如果浏览器下载较...
failed: status code 404 error: failed: status code 404 [DEBUG] D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vcpkg\base\downloads.cpp(956): [DEBUG] Time in subprocesses: 0 us [DEBUG] Time in parsing JSON: 5 us...
CMake Error at scripts/cmake/vcpkg_download_distfile.cmake:32 (message): Failed to download file with error: 1 原因1:下载 URL 不再有效 由于vcpkg 控制之外的原因,URL 可能会变得无效。 可以通过使用 Web 浏览器导航到下载 URL 来诊断损坏的链接,损坏的链接将产生 404 状态代码。
可以利用cmd输入 cmake --version 看看版本号来查看是否安装完成。 2.在安装过程中遇到问题 2.1出现WinHttpReceiveResponse() failed: 12002 在第一次安装第三方库时,需要下载一些Vcpkg需要的文件,因为网络原因,很有可能无法下载,出现WinHttpReceiveResponse() failed: 12002错误。这就只能尝试复制网址,用其他办法下载...
vcpkg目录下的downloads子目录是安装包时的缓存目录,如果使用命令行安装包时,有某些包下载不下来导致报错,可以手动下载后,放到这个目录下面,就可以继续安装了。 visual studio IDE需要安装英文语言包才能支持vcpkg下载的包,安装方法是使用vs安装文件,然后在功能里选择语言,找到english,选择安装即可。
vcpkg was already supported by Visual Studio even before this update. Below is a recap of what you can do with the package manager in the IDE. In order to enable this functionality, you must have run vcpkg integrate install once in the past. Once that is done, you do not need to re...
&"$scriptsDir/tls12-download.exe""/microsoft/vcpkg-tool/releases/download/$versionDate/vcpkg.exe""$vcpkgRootDir\vcpkg.exe"} Write-Host""if($LASTEXITCODE-ne 0) { Write-Error"Downloading vcpkg.exe failed. Please check your internet connection, or consider downloading a recent vcpkg.ex...
CMake Error at scripts/cmake/vcpkg_download_distfile.cmake:83 (message):Failed to download file with error: 1If you use a proxy, please check your proxy setting. Possible causes are:1. You are actually using an HTTP proxy, but setting HTTPS_PROXY variableto `https://address:port`. ...