In manifest mode, vcpkg will be automatically bootstrapped if the executable does not exist.VCPKG_OVERLAY_TRIPLETSThis variable can be set to a list of paths to be passed on the command line as --overlay-triplets=...VCPKG_OVERLAY_PORTS
那么就是网络问题,再次运行 .\vcpkg.exe install opencv:x64-windows,或者找个网络好的地方网络好的时候再次运行。 (2). 如果出现这个红色语句时上面的内容是:Cannot find Windows 10.0.18362.0 SDK. File does not exist: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.18362.0\um\x64\OpenGL32.Lib。...
(59,82)" does not exist in the project, and will be ignored. Project "c:\Users\alex\vcpkg\buildtrees\uwebsockets\src\uWebSockets-0.14.0alpha3\VC++.vcxproj" on node 1 (default ta rgets). InitializeBuildStatus: Touching "x64\Release\uWS.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". VcpkgTripletSelection: ...
那么就是网络问题,再次运行 .\vcpkg.exe install opencv:x64-windows,或者找个网络好的地方网络好的时候再次运行。 (2). 如果出现这个红色语句时上面的内容是:Cannot find Windows 10.0.18362.0 SDK. File does not exist: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.18362.0\um\x64\OpenGL32.Lib。...
res/vcpkg/libyuv does not exist add to flutter-build.yml, after name: Checkout source code uses: actions/checkout@v4 these: name: patch vcpkg/libyuv (from bins/zip) continue-on-error: true shell: cmd run: | 7z.exe x -ores/vcpkg/libyuv/ bins/ dir res\vcpkg dir res...
The port directory (E:\vcpkg\ports\libhpdf) does not exist Error: failed to load port from E:\vcpkg\ports\libhpdf note: updating vcpkg by rerunning bootstrap-vcpkg may resolve this failure. 1. 2. 3. 4. 解决方案 重新运行下列命令 ...
<< std::endl; // Applying point set processing algorithm to a CGAL::Point_set_3 // object does not erase the points from memory but place them in // the garbage of the object: memory can be freeed by the user. points.collect_garbage(); // Compute average spacing using neighborhood...
VCPKG在安装库时 “ File does not have expected hash:” vcpkg在安装库时可能会遇到哈希值的问题,这种问题通常是由于你自己手动去下载他的包,和vcpkg本身的包版本不对。会报以下的错首先把 Exepted hash 里面的 e16327那一串数字复制下来。接着打开vcpkg文件夹内下路径的portfile.cmake文件 接着将刚才复制的...
PS D:\work\qt_2022_work\cmake_work\qt6.3.2\prj03\build> c:\dev\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\tools\Qt6\bin\windeployqt.debug.bat .\Debug\testprj.exe ".\Debug\testprj.exe" does not exist. 再次换命令 C:\dev\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\tools\Qt6\bin\windeployqt.debug.bat ` d:\...
c000005: Downloaded archives are versioned if availableTo ensure archive content does not change, archives downloaded preferably have an associated version tag that can be incremented alongside the port's "version". c000006: New ports pass CI checks for triplets that the library officially supports ...