Currently, the only way to cross-compile using vcpkg_configure_make is to use a gcc cross toolchain with the target as the prefix. This is not how you cross compile with clang--with clang you set C...
scripts/cmake/vcpkg_configure_cmake.cmake:314 (vcpkg_execute_required_process) scripts/cmake/z_vcpkg_get_cmake_vars.cmake:18 (vcpkg_configure_cmake) scripts/cmake/vcpkg_configure_meson.cmake:317 (z_vcpkg_get_cmake_vars) ports/pkgconf/portfile.cmake:9 (vcpkg_configure_meson) scripts/por...
2,参考微软文档(vcpkg in CMake projects | Microsoft Learn),我们需要在cmake config project这一步,插入一行命令,我的repo地址是D:\GItrepo-My\vcpkg -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=D:\GItrepo-My\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake 3,VSCode CMake插件设置中Configure Args加入命令 并且勾选Apply Setting to...
CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILEProjects configured to use the vcpkg toolchain file (via the CMake setting CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE) can find libraries from vcpkg using the standard CMake functions: find_package(), find_path(), and find_library().We recommend using CMake Presets to specify your toolchain ...
1 - 将CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE变量设置为 vcpkg 工具链。 必须将CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE设置为指向{VCPKG_ROOT}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake中的 vcpkg CMake 工具链文件,请确保将{VCPKG_ROOT}替换为 vcpkg 安装目录的正确路径。 可以使用以下任一方法设置工具链文件: ...
求助dalao为啥vscode设置了CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE,还用不了vcpkg,使用第三方库显示找不到头文件 DADAW907 , 1 顶 冬年 & 9 没用过这种方式。。我都是直接写到CMakeLists.txt里。。登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处...
Manifest模式 - CMake 工程 1. 示例根目录: E:/test_manifest,文件目录结构如下: E:/ |--test_manifest/ | ---build/ | ---CMakeLists.txt | ---main.cpp | ---vcpkg.json 2. 需在 vcpkg 目录中打开powershell并执行 install 命令来获取 CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE ./vcpkg...
相对独立且同时也被其他的项目使用的一个工具则是基于 cmake 和 git 且兼容 vcpkg 的构建系统 cmake...
Cross-Platform Integrated Linux Terminal Test and Build Multiple CMake Targets CMake Debugger Remote File Explorer STM32CubeIDE Project Support Show more Read next February 13, 2024 Visual Studio Code CMake Tools Extension 1.17 Update: CMake Presets v6, Overriding Cache Variables, and Side...
vcpkg now compiles inside WSL Update required version & auto-downloaded version of cmake to 3.10.0-- vcpkg team SAT, 26 Nov 2017 03:30:00 -0800vcpkg (0.0.97)Add ports: alac 2017-11-03-c38887c5 atkmm 2.24.2 blosc 1.12.1 coolprop 6.1.0-2 discord-rpc 2.0.1 ...