要连接到vPostgres数据库,需要先连接到vCenter Server的Shell命令行界面,所以需要先为vCenter启用SSH连接并使用root用户登录。其中,连接数据库需要用到psql命令,psql是vPostgres数据库自带的交互式命令行管理工具,该工具位于vCenter的以下目录中。 /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql 需要注意的是,在操作vPostgres...
要连接到vPostgres数据库,需要先连接到vCenter Server的Shell命令行界面,所以需要先为vCenter启用SSH连接并使用root用户登录。其中,连接数据库需要用到psql命令,psql是vPostgres数据库自带的交互式命令行管理工具,该工具位于vCenter的以下目录中。 /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current...
We’ve seen how using shell commands, any disk attached to a vCenter Server 6.x appliance can be resized. The operation is easy to carry out. First, resize the selected disk from the vCSA VM’s settings using the vSphere Web Client or otherwise. Then, SSH to the appliance and run the...
解释: 根本原因是证书不一致,但是vc的证书和vsan他们不共用一个证书,所以需要保证集群证书的统一,当时由于vc的证书到期后,只替换了vc的sts证书,在替换了STS证书之后,可能会导致计算机SSL证书与该vCenter Server节点URI所使用的服务注册所使用的SSL证书不匹配 处理步骤如下 1、ssh 登录vc vi /tmp/check-trust-anchor...
我是用xshell通过SSH服务连接到vc的,但是在用xftp传送文件时出现错误,信息如下: 为了节约时间,该问题我并没有去处理,而是直接通过vim创建check-trust-anchors文件,并复制文件内容到其中。然后更改文件权限,使其拥有可执行权限。 root@localhost [ ~ ]# vim check-trust-anchors ...
Connect to vCenter Server Appliance or PSC with an SSH session and root credentials. Run this command to enable access the Bash shell: shell.set –enabled true Typeshelland press Enter. Run these commands to update the password: /opt/likewise/bin/lwregshell ...
Disconnect the ESX host in vCenter Server. Right-click the host and clickDisconnect. Log in as root to the ESX host using an SSH client. Run this string of commands in the SSH session: service mgmt-vmware stop && service vmware-vpxa stop && service vmware-vmkauthd stop && service xinetd...
You can manage the services that are running in vCenter Server and modify various settings such as access, network, and firewall settings. n Use the Bash shell. You can use TTY1 to log in to the console or can use SSH and run configuration, monitoring, and troubleshooting commands in v...
Log in asrootthrough an SSH or console session on the vCenter Server Appliance. Run this command to enable the shell (Note: This command is applicable only for vCenter Server Appliance 6.0): shell.set --enabled true Run this command to launch the shell (Note: This command is applicable ...
server 提供通用接口(api 功能),可以自己开发完善各类监控(根据相关接口编写程序实现),编写插件容易,可以自定义监控项,报警级别的设置。 数据收集,支持 snmp(包括 trapping and polling ),IPMI,JMX,SSH,TELNET; 自定义的检测;自定义收集数据的频率; 服务器/代理和客户端模式; ...