root@localhost [ ~ ]# /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vmafd-cli get-domain-name --server-name localhost vsphere.local 3. 重置密码 使用vdcadmintool命令工具重置密码。命令执行后会列出选项,选择第3项Reset account password获取一个随机密码,使用随机密码登录vCenter ,然后自行修改密码。 root@localhost [ ~ ...
For more information, seeChange the Password and Password Expiration Settings of the Root User Resolution Process to Reset the Root Password in VCSA: Note: 6.7U1 and later have a simpler method to reset the password, seeKB 75174 To reset the root password for the vCenter Server Appliance: Ta...
The Root user will be prompted for resetting the password when they try to SSH to the machine if expired or expiring. You can also login to VAMI using the SSO administrator and reset the root password from there. Email notification is sent earlier to prevent from having the Root password ex...
VMware vCenter Server Appliance 的 root 帐户密码无效。 vCenter Server Appliance 5.5 和 6.0 的 root 帐户被锁定。 对于更高版本的情况,请参见 How to reset the lost or forgotten root password in vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 & above。 Purpose 本文提供重置 vCenter Server Appliance 5.5 和 6.0 root...
参考: 如果出现主机识别不了internal error等错误,是DNS没有配置的问题: ...
___重置VCSA 6. 5的root 密码如果在安装vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 之 后没有及时修改root密码 策略导致root密码过期,可 以按照如下的办法恢复。1.关闭 vCen te r S e rv er Applianc e 6. 5的虚拟机,并创建快照(如果 操作失误可以恢 复快照)。2 . 打 幵 vCenter Serv er Appliance 6....
对于更高版本的情况,请参见 How to reset the lost or forgotten root password in vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 & above。 Purpose 本文提供重置 vCenter Server Appliance 5.5 和 6.0 root 密码的步骤。 Cause 当本地帐户密码过期时会出现此问题。 注意:在 vCenter Server Appliance 5.5 和 6.0 中,默认情况...
Resetting the password now is as simple as running the “passwd” command and supplying a new unique complex password. Once the root account password is reset, you should now be able to login to the VAMI. Now if SSH happens to be disabled, all hope is not lost. Here is some additional...
Enter umount / to unmount the root filesystemReboot the vCSA by running the command reboot -fVerify that you can log in with the new root password and the snapshot created in step 1. Reset SSO Administrator Password (vCenter Server Appliance 6.5)The following method provides steps to recover...
这种问题,仅仅在选用linux版本的VC时才会出现,windows版本的VC不会出现这样的问题,出现这个问题主要是过多的错误登录导致VC将这个账号给锁定了…… 解决方案: 1、root权限登录到LInux版本的VC服务器 2、在系统下执行如下命令 /sbin/pam_tally --user administrator@vsphere.local --reset 通过以上方法没有解决问题,...