Foundation MathematicsIelts Preparation (Academic and General Training Module)我们的学生对于我们的评价2011年:年:联系方式手机号码:0432718167新浪微博:墨尔本补习社微信:648180 墨尔本Tutors 渣渣 1 Steve Weng :VCE Math Method 和...
3. electives, there schedule arrangements, you choose when you can see that if the election of course overlay, is a time of conflict, there will be prompt, you should elect. do not worry. Freshman very relaxed, relatively small class, you can choose your favorite, as the foundation, who ...
所有数学好的同学们,VCE选课也选上物理,是一个很好的决定!尤其是也准备选择Specialist Maths VCE高数的同学,因为这两门有些内容是互相涵盖到的哟。 【竞赛报名/项目咨询请加微信:mollywei007】