The content you’re learning now is probably not as true as it seems. Chemistry is a set of models that explain the macro level sometimes at the expense of detail. The more you study Chemistry, the more precise these models become, and they’ll gradually enlighten you with a newfound clar...
2020年VCE进行了大量的改革,VCE资深专业数学教师点拨 结合2020年VCE数学adjusted study design(调整后方案) 为备战2020年底考试的考生送上贴心锦囊(考试核心要点) 覆盖低数、中数和高数,附赠复习计划和时间表 点击以下链接,即可报名,时间有限,预报从速
6.1. Scenario Design Two sets of experiments are considered: one concerning the CN individual members, to verify and validate the IMEA SD model (which is the model that materializes the IMEA element of the framework), and another related to the CN environment, aiming to verify and validate ...