Although guidance exists for the use of many laboratory tests in a wide range of clinical situations, this guidance is spread among a range of literature sources, and is often directed at laboratory specialists rather than test users. Individual general practices display large variations in standardis... brings you the most accurate monthly weather forecast for Quang Bach, Bắc Kạn, Vietnam with average/record and high/low temperatures, precipitation and more.
摘要: 宫颈糜烂是慢性宫颈炎最常见的一种病变.东台市第二人民医院采用微波治疗宫颈糜烂患者210例,现将疗效报告如下.1资料与方法1.1对象2006年7月—2010年7月前来本院就诊的210例宫颈糜烂患者,均已婚,年龄22~50岁,平均32岁.关键词:宫颈糜烂 微波治疗 疗效 ...
Anger experiences, expression and perceived functional impact in highly-skilled Chinese taekwondo athletes. Master's Thesis in Sport and Exercise Psychology. Department of Sport Sciences. University of Jyvaskyla. 50 p. The study of emotions and their relationship with athletic performance has received ...
210Pb chronology and trace metal geochemistry at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, as evidenced by a sedimentary record from the Lago Verde crater lake Lago Verde is a fresh-water maar found on the lower slopes of San Martin volcano, at the Sierra de Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, currently the northernmost remnant...
目的: 采用随机对照的临床试验研究方法,探讨肝俞穴刺络拔罐放血治疗肝火亢盛型原发性高血压的临床疗效. 方法: 将广东省中医院针灸科和心血管内科住院部收集到的60例肝火亢盛型原发性高血压患者按1:1比例随机分配到治疗组和对照组,两组各30人.治疗组:在口服硝苯地平控释片的基础上,采用双侧肝俞穴刺络拔罐放血...
FIELD: engines and pumps.;SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to single-screw pump stator casing, to casing segment of such stator casing, to single-screw pump with such stator case and to method of stator making. Single-screw pump stator casing (8) has elastomeric inner part (9) and ...
摘要: 丝虫是卵胎生动物,雌虫子宫内的卵发育成幼虫后产出。一些种类丝虫(布鲁属丝虫、班氏丝虫和棉鼠丝虫)的微丝蚴有一层称为鞘的外角皮包裹着。在脊椎动物体内,鞘始终保留,被媒介节肢动物吸入后,微丝蚴脱去鞘才能进一步发育。脱关键词:丝虫 微丝蚴 脱鞘 ...
于是格里那凡爵士和他年轻美丽的夫人海伦,还有他们的朋友麦克那布斯少校,地理学家巴加内尔教授及几位的海员,带上了格兰特船长两个坚强勇敢的儿女——玛丽·格兰特和... 法儒勒·凡尔纳 - 人民文学出版社 被引量: 0发表: 2022年 迷失于历史烟霾中的照片 1842年7月16日,麻恭少校与伍斯纳姆医生走下船梯,以胜利者...